Super Nintendo Chalmers

7 is fantastic life advice (the eventual partner/desire & respect bits) for anyone, anxious virgin or not. Took me until 25 to realize fucking people you hate is a poor idea.

Agreed, good for you. Funny, my depression spiral started about a year into grad school (Masters in Life of Quiet Desperation) when I realized I hadn't written anything for my enjoyment or even really of interest to me since I was 20.

Definitely match her drinking pace (assuming she doesn't get shitfaced). Too far ahead, sloppy. Too far behind, a little creepy.

He's as strong and as flexible as Gumby and Hercules combined. We love that guy.

Skinner, you're a regular Casanova. Or in English, a regular house.

Hey. Supporting Nazism isn't funny in any context. Get serious, Buttfuck McGee.

“When people are more outraged by the ambiguous ending of The Sopranos than some young girl being stoned to death, then there’s something wrong."

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus Certainly he's no Launchpad McQuack

Die Meistersinger?  That's how to kill a  floundering action franchise.

@avclub-8a5c1121fe24ecbeab48c97b07dec712:disqus Right. Like how every male on earth independently invents the belt maneuver at some point during puberty.

THANK YOU. That was not a cave she had just stumbled into. I'm pretty sure people that live North of the wall would keep the locations of sexy hot springs in mind when making travel plans.

@avclub-19b1e8d29a0f4d71a95a48a7123d0502:disqus That made me straight up 'huy-yuk' like Goofy. Not proud.

The AV Club first hit my radar when someone sent me the Kurt Vonnegut quote inventory in college, but I became a regular reader due to the film criticism. I registered only after I realized that I had seen three movies in theaters with my friends since freshman year, due to vastly different tastes in pop culture. So

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Ahhh so THAT'S what molly is. No wonder why I felt like shit for two days after.

Maybe we move the Tolerability Index discussions (which I regrettably can't participate in) to the Commentariat Awards website as an act of protest?

@avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus I clicked that link with a glimmer of hope that you had somehow tracked down this new project. Alas.

If he doesn't end up with a late night show then there is either no justice in the world OR I am not even remotely in the target demographic for late night shows.

I absolutely loved the fact that Holmes was the ONLY person in the entire theater  that couldn't grasp that PFT had driven around LA trying to find blueray copies of 'Jack Reacher' and was informing the crowd of this as Herzog. Slayed me.