Super Nintendo Chalmers

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus Another little nugget is in the last episode of 5, one of the dockworkers (the guy that took Nick to see method man, I think) is seen in the montage living under the bridge.

Just started Fringe about a week ago. Despite being totally in my wheelhouse, I've overlooked it until now.

Lemme get this straight, you DON'T want to spend six hours watching the Godfather?

STARRING: Patton Oswalt?

At least he went out in a blaze (line?) of glory rather than fester like Blaine Gabbert.

I mean, boo and everything, but that's pretty much accurate.

I suppose some people are just born with hearts full of neutrality.

Hard to believe they signed all those mortgages/forclosures without reading them, huh?

I suppose Tiger Woods' ex is bustier than…Roger Federer?

Sweden is arguably more neutral than Switzerland.

Jeremy always seemed more like the one that would have chocolate icing at the ready.

Agreed. Wasn't a fan of the first one, or even the character really, but I watched it twice on Netflix because it is perfect for enjoying trippy visuals while you detox/nap on the couch after a rough night.

This a million times.

That and This Feels Terrible should probably get a look by Podmass if they haven't already.


I can still vividly remember listening to Sgt. Pepper while rummaging through my parent's old music at age 9 or 10, and pulling out 'The Best of Sam & Dave' on cassette. Dad can listen to the Eagles forever with zero judgement from me for that moment alone.

If i hear 'One of These Nights' and am alone, there is a 100% chance I will sing every word and amuse myself to no end by trying to hit that high harmony.

That slurpee would be repaid with one quick death, and one slow death.

Because Ygritte and Margaery, that's why.

I would also carve out an exception for people that convert due to unusual circumstances. As a catholic that is proud of the speed with which he lapsed (somewhere between first communion and confirmation), I will always give friends a pass that must sit through a year of RCIA just so future in-laws will consider their