Super Nintendo Chalmers

Choosing the right partner is obviously more important than the timing. I am about to finish grad school and as I've said above, I'm in the second summer of an exhausting number of weddings, some of which are based on the college>wedding>babies playbook that most people in my part of the country adhere to pretty

I'm 26. From April-October this year I will go to eight weddings. I have been to two divorce party/wakes this year, one ending after ten months.  I am extremely motivated to get this whole "lifelong commitment" thing right the first time.

Oh they know. They just truly don't care.

@Dikachu:disqus Literally the only thing I feel like I missed out on after ditching Catholicism.

That's why you get shitfaced at other people's weddings.

OR the vestigial memory of the person they actually fell in "love" with.

The polar opposite of the Fargodome, which for some reason fills me with joy.

@avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus @avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus I think of myself as a fairly unflappable guy. Seen some shit, lived a little blah blah whatever.

Just got excited to test that theory.

I actually grew to hate the Grapes of Wrath, being from Oklahoma. Most people from elsewhere assume it's still pretty much like that.

I spent most of 4th grade fighting through/not understanding the full version of Moby Dick. When I finished it I told my mom that I wish I never read "the boring stupid book about hunting whales." I read it again two years later and two years after that and so on, with the mountain of symbolism and human

I eventually give 'Where The Wild Things Are' or 'Tuesday' (the wordless flying frog book) to all of my family members and friends (!) that have kids.  It took me over an hour to "read" Tuesday to my cousin's two year old. So worth it.

@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus   I also loved The Butter Battle Book. 
Even aside from the imagery, I feel like my Grandma wanted to instill in me at an early age the sentiment behind Vonnegut's "…to imagine that God almighty himself hates with you…" quote.

I didn't know it at the time, but I'm pretty sure the first girl I wanted to date was the main character in  'The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.' Girl books my ass.

Neither did I. The scene with Grey Worm was a train wreck. Watching that 3:00 or whatever frame-by-frame would be torture.

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus I just looked up the cast. With Sam Raimi directing, I'd say 'fun' was probably a huge disappointment.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and also Dragons and a Kraken and Shit *guitar solo*"

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Generally in the same boat as you, in terms of firsts. Checking it off the list due to peer pressure at a too young age (learner's permit) led to several years of an extremely selfish macho-bullshit attitude. As in, emotional sex didn't happen until the end of college.

Was The Quick and the Dead good? I don't remember.

I was being slightly facetious, but you're in a distinct minority in the service industry. I didn't even actually work at a restaurant in school, roommates did. The way restaurant people form little social units and get very attached is an interesting phenomenon, I still keep in touch with several of my not-coworkers.