Super Nintendo Chalmers

"Mournful. She has mournful tits. They're like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra."

Nothing makes me feel like more of a lazy shit than the "Are you still watching [West Wing, Battlestar Galactica, something else nerdy and binge-able]?"

I had an illogical, out-of-nowhere crush on Kate Mara that was completely dissolved by the Zoe Barnes character.  Without spoiling anything, the character and her plot-line were the first of several things that caused me to rub my temples in frustration if I thought about them for more than a split second.

You mean like the Sphinx?

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus @K. Thrace Agree completely and am disheartened. As an infrequent commenter but avid comment browser this is likely the death knell for my prowling. It's pathetically kind of sad, since this is the only site I have ever commented/registered on. The AV Club became my

@avclub-e5cb456947d76f56ada0fa1c500548a3:disqus @avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus Career stuff has recently brought me back home to OK after growing up & going to college here, and the only reason I did so willingly is that young, educated people in Tulsa are driving significant urban development efforts

@ColdGottoBe:disqus That is an incredibly wise decision. I saw Blue Valentine, Melancholia, and Dear Zachary over a span of 12 days or so in January.  I think I spent the next 12 days lying on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Pretty much exactly how I feel, I'm only through episode 11 but have lost interest. The acting is fantastic but the story certainly unraveled.  On the plus side, my irrational schoolboy crush on Kate Mara vanished in a puff of smoke and daddy issues.

I've been watching the West Wing on Netflix and cannot shake the feeling that Kroll and Josh Malina (Will Bailey) were separated at birth. Voice, glasses, everything.

I've already listened to that CBB twice and it is fantastic. Although Fabrice may owe Jackie Chan an apology. Not sure how that works.

"You're about to find out why they call me Jack Reacher."

"You're about to find out why they call me Jack Reacher."

"Hey pal, if you're not going to use that hood…"

"Hey pal, if you're not going to use that hood…"

My rule for You Made it Weird: Listen to all the live episodes, cherry-pick other episodes based on the guest or the Podmass review. You can only listen to so much 10th grade lit class introspection.

My rule for You Made it Weird: Listen to all the live episodes, cherry-pick other episodes based on the guest or the Podmass review. You can only listen to so much 10th grade lit class introspection.

Reminds me of the time I ordered a burrito in Baltimore. Inner harbor, no less. I was mad at myself for being surprised at how shitty it was.

Reminds me of the time I ordered a burrito in Baltimore. Inner harbor, no less. I was mad at myself for being surprised at how shitty it was.