Super Nintendo Chalmers

Redeeming factor: I just discovered that the musical break at about the 52 minute mark of the second Patton Oswalt episode conjures a few Laurel Canyon ghosts…

Redeeming factor: I just discovered that the musical break at about the 52 minute mark of the second Patton Oswalt episode conjures a few Laurel Canyon ghosts…

Or Metal Machine Music. I've endured one sincere defense of that album in my life. The pretentiousness and the desperation to unearth some artistic value that other people "just couldn't get" was the height of unintentional comedy.

Or Metal Machine Music. I've endured one sincere defense of that album in my life. The pretentiousness and the desperation to unearth some artistic value that other people "just couldn't get" was the height of unintentional comedy.

How about starting a thing where O'Neal stands on sidewalks around America and snarks his ASS off at passersby? Movies are already a thing.

How about starting a thing where O'Neal stands on sidewalks around America and snarks his ASS off at passersby? Movies are already a thing.

I feel like the glaring technical issues are essentially substitute for a laugh track. The random character assassinations (perhaps opening the door for a character death? Please?) were the "Oh what the fuck, really?" moments that make this show the most fun-to-hate piece of shit on television.

I feel like the glaring technical issues are essentially substitute for a laugh track. The random character assassinations (perhaps opening the door for a character death? Please?) were the "Oh what the fuck, really?" moments that make this show the most fun-to-hate piece of shit on television.

I definitely think she is attractive, but I tend to be attracted to the not-perfectly-symmetrical facial structure type. She's got a Brooklyn Decker's little sister thing going on.

I definitely think she is attractive, but I tend to be attracted to the not-perfectly-symmetrical facial structure type. She's got a Brooklyn Decker's little sister thing going on.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus Well, imagine if rugby players were all freaks of nature that weighed 220 and could bench 500 lbs, but still run the 40 yard dash in about 4.6 seconds*. Ultra-violence would be the result. Normal tackles in football (even with the new so-called emphasis on player safety)

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus Well, imagine if rugby players were all freaks of nature that weighed 220 and could bench 500 lbs, but still run the 40 yard dash in about 4.6 seconds*. Ultra-violence would be the result. Normal tackles in football (even with the new so-called emphasis on player safety)



Early TV crushes are hilarious in retrospect. 'Singled Out' era Jenny McCarthy is probably responsible for at least one of my testicles descending, and now she's convinced that doctors and their "medicine" are poisoning all of the babies.

Early TV crushes are hilarious in retrospect. 'Singled Out' era Jenny McCarthy is probably responsible for at least one of my testicles descending, and now she's convinced that doctors and their "medicine" are poisoning all of the babies.

"An Outbrain customer paid to distribute this content. We do our best to ensure that all of the links recommended to you lead to interesting content. "

"An Outbrain customer paid to distribute this content. We do our best to ensure that all of the links recommended to you lead to interesting content. "

Am I the only person that utterly lost interest in Weird Al after elementary school? Am I missing something or am I just a curmudgeon for not thinking song parodies are funny as an adult? 
Did YouTube ruin this vein of comedy for me? How many people actually want a physical copy of a Weird Al retrospective?

Am I the only person that utterly lost interest in Weird Al after elementary school? Am I missing something or am I just a curmudgeon for not thinking song parodies are funny as an adult? 
Did YouTube ruin this vein of comedy for me? How many people actually want a physical copy of a Weird Al retrospective?