Super Nintendo Chalmers

At this point I fear that the Simmons that wrote the Book of Basketball will come out about three times per year. That ten thousand word column on Eddie Murphy essentially boiled down to "you had to be there. It was awesome."

I thought that I heard quietly labored breathing when the scene shifted to that camera angle, and assumed it was Mike. I would love it if Mike got back from Mexico and decided to follow around Jesse/Walt, knowing that Walt needed to make his move sooner than later without the threat of the cartel to occupy Gus.

Yea, that is in absurdly poor taste. At least make fun of the guy on the right for looking like Peter Dinklage.

What he said, jerks. Bow before your King.

I loved that both Natty Ice and Keystone Ice have ominous black packaging that pretty clearly states "This tastes awful. We only make it because poor kids enjoy binge drinking."

@ Violet

Lily-whiteness aside, I bet the AV Club staff is comprised mostly of White Sox fans despite not really knowing much about this "batball" game.

With Ewoks as the bomber crews and stormtroopers as Nazis?

Cheers for batmantis. "Pop culture drinking game" is a great way to describe a large percentage of Simmons' non-sports content. It doesn't piss me off the way it seems to infuriate other fans and ex-fans but it reads very forced/unnecessary, almost as if he wrote the column straight and then came back and shoehorned

I serve all cakes on a mobius strip serving tray, so I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about.

I have blonde angel next to a picture of Scrooge McDuck skiing down a hill of gold coins. This more than makes up for R.Black and the Rocketeer.

True. Though it seems appropriate that the only way to get the Hulkster and Troy Aikman on screen together is via promoting a company that caters to aspirational poor folks with fucked up priorities and no understanding of predatory lending.

Can't help myself: "but for the majority of people on planet Earth, the entire raison d'etre for the existence of [MOVIES] is to provide excitement, exhilaration and entertainment, something which [MICHAEL BAY] generally does far better, regardless of whether the ['SPLOSIONS] should be considered by some objective

Good point Rowan. Most people can't distinguish between/refuse to separate the notions of "I love the drama and excitement of the NCAA Tournament" and "college is better than the NBA."

The reason why the "College teams play better defense" myth has persisted in the midst of one of the most hotly contested and all-around best NBA regular seasons I can remember is because COLLEGE PLAYERS CANT HIT JUMP SHOTS. Take last night for example. No defensive scheme exists that results in sub-20% shooting. The

Probably because someone that pays 50 bucks for a BJ is likely sad and pathetic, whereas with Mr. Sheen we are finally seeing what Fuck You Money looks like in action. We've seen celebrities melt down before, but we've never seen anyone intentionally melt down while gleefully conducting an all-out media blitz.

#8 - Uma

I only recognized him as Russel Crowe's loose-cannon sidekick from the 3:10 to Yuma remake. Though I suppose all stagecoach robbers could be described as loose cannons. But he was reeeeeally loose.

While we're at it, they don't even got film in cameras anymore! Some kinda computer chip I reckon. Ol' Jerry down at the photomat is sure gonna be cross when he catches wind of this.

To put this wheezing joke of a show out of its' misery, I propose new cast member Amanda Knox.