Super Nintendo Chalmers


I'm fairly certain that he is a coked up asshole in real life as well.

Whoa. That is intense, significant shit. I had no idea that Les Paul basically gave birth to the concept of modern popular music.

I think I like my version better Nick.


I think I might be the only person around that knows Jon Hamm better from his appearances on the BS Report and 30 Rock than from Mad Men.

My usual poison is Evan Williams (any cheap bourbon will suffice) and a pack of P-funks, but I don't want to fuck that.

I prefer to lovingly spoon with JW Green. I save my stroke for Blue label.

This pretty much sums it up.

MGD 64 is awful to boot. I'm all for finding healthier ways to get drunk but that stuff tastes like the water from an old rusty water fountain.

Oh FUCK yes. Not a time waster, a day waster.

all most thereā€¦

Boba Fett? Where??

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was weak.


Let us cavort like the Greeks of old! Youuuu know the ones I mean.

AVC: What do you think Philip Haldiman brought to the role of Denny?

More like-
Step One: Tell Us Weekly he's in trouble if he doesn't propose to you within a year.

Waaaait a minute.
I will assume that Rabin was distracted by some sort of non-hip hop emergency. Or does the AV Club actually let other people review good rap albums?

Dicks. Better go enjoy a few while I still can. In a BAR while I still can. One plus about living in Central Standard Time.