Super Nintendo Chalmers

My parents couldn't quite remember Captain Eo actually existing when we went to DisneyWorld until I sent them the link yesterday. Needless to say they were surprised/sorry that they spent money on the tickets.

Poorly done. As penance you must watch Captain Eo.

No more light cigs?
You can pry my parliament lights from my gnarled, yellow, dead fingers.

Now that El Zilcho mentioned it, I suppose I do eat an abnormal amount of leftovers. College sucks.

Manic Pixie Demi-Glace?

even with the talent level of the contestants on this show I still think it is a little below Thomas Keller. Dude is a freak. Some of the stuff in the French Laundry cookbook is impossible to do.

Four person showdowns…
I think this will feel like a five week run of Chopped, minus the game show style edits/commercial cuts. Not necessarily awful but it might get a little repetitive.

more like whoops

Spaceman. Hoops.

Lies. Dr. Pepper with Sailor Jerry is like dangerous candy.


They all just look like Chang to me. I think that means I've hit the bargaining stage.

The guy at :12 looks like young Eric Wereheim.

I've heard that due to hipster enthusiasm PBR actually costs money on the east coast? This is confusing to me since 'round these parts PBR along with Steel reserve are less than $7 for a 12-pack, widely available, and are the go to get-fucked-up-for-cheap-beers.

Ah. If they drop Hawk maybe I'll start watching non- ESPN games

The answer to this question should be the same as every other announcer related question. Erin Andrews

I still cant believe how little chemistry Hawk and DJ have after several years together. They can't even get on the same page for the awful shtick they do.

Speaking of one-off Sesame Street moments
I don't know if anyone else ever caught a glimpse of Blue Bird, apparently Big bird's cousin or something. He had these menacing eyebrows and a Big Bird on heroin voice. At the sight of him I would hide behind the couch until I heard a commercial break. My parents and sister

@TomWaits (I'm assuming that was directed at me)

Don't worry, we all try to hide our true selves behind a facade of hardcore rap and kitty cats.