Super Nintendo Chalmers

Now if there was a douche that tasted like soda, that's a product worth taste testing.

When early twenties folk and 30 and 40 year olds write shit on the same message board under an article consisting of a random woman's rantings about Mickey Rourke, no one needs to be giving anyone life advice.

Poofy cheetos are indeed shit.

My bad. I posted at 5 in the morning and was really drunk and sorta high.

Futurama still rocks the shit
Nuclear Wessels.

This thread has made me laugh at your loneliness, choking you even on the internet, previously the refuge of the friendless.

The Room
Yes. YES.

I actually cheered
When I heard Butters doing his Prof Chaos laugh. I was so happy.

Jack's expendability speech…
Was fucking awesome in a very unsettling way. He basically admits what everyone always says about the character, there's not much of a soul left there. He also pretty much says, "Yea I'll do fucking anything to anyone at this point, sucks but I'm down.

No. You are fucked.

The Kenny-is-bored montage was awesome, the promise ring/ married people were hilarious. The hanging out with other boring couples and netflix in silence killed me.

Pretty sure he didn't give a shit about the family, he was probably trying to avoid having the family order an autopsy and discovering that he got snuffed as opposed to dying of old guy or whatever.

Not really worth checking out. Mainly backstory on the current season, and you would've known that Voigt will be a bad guy earlier. And some bad shit happens to Jack & friends.

Not only is he daring, but he REFUSES to remove his sport coat at the desk. He's like Don Draper of fame whores.

Whoops. But glad I wasn't the only one.

I think he is working for some Blackwater-ish private military company.

In some of the more "colorful" counties it got from the mid 70s to high 80 percent. Actually that should be less colorful. As in super super duper white.

I bet around all of ' em. Only 21,000 seemed to be aware of this little contest.

Because everyone in OK has heard that song so many times that it makes one want to put one of several readily available firearms in their mouths.

Ogre? Anywhere? No? OK, I got it.