Super Nintendo Chalmers

Am I the only person
That actually buys fucking fresca? Its not even always available at WalMart, and they sell baseball bats, tires, and guns.

Not just like a chump, a chump who was incredibly slow on the trigger. Weak sauce, writers.

Right before he starts dancing
"Work drugs."

That is the saddest shit ever. I have that season and occasionally would watch the episode (which is pretty damn funny) until about 4 minutes were left then skip to the next one.

That pen…
Is baller as fuck. As far as fountain pens go.

You are one sad bastard. How many posts have you written hoping that the little STAFF bar pops up below it?

Yea that was the weakest ticking time bomb in the entire series as far as I'm concerned. One fucking dude? Who was obviously willing to sacrifice himself for the cause?

A- Pretty solid ownage.

I think you can also include "Is this what squirrel tastes like? If so, I will eat the shit outta some squirrel."

Where does one even find shit like this to hate on?

I wasn't even fucking 8 yet, I didn't really care about anything that happened in '94 except the MLB strike.

I'd rather struggle with overcooked venison than even smell a fucked up ceviche any day.

usually after cancer tests come back negative the patient has to go back to the doc once a year to make sure nothing malignant pops up. I dont think she was bullshitting

I hate people who braggers about being Russian and being able to read books written by Russians

Mo'Nique is a… "volcanic force of nature"!!!
-Nathan Rabin, The A.V. Club

Boosh and Ka-kow. And zing.

I'm at positive 16. ENVY ME.

I was thinking about the Biggie biopic the whole time I was reading this.

no Pussy Control = no list

semper fidelis tyrannosaurus