

1.That was "Joss Whedon" levels of fucking with the audience. Diggle got a knife in the gut, Laurel was in an exploding building, they even gave Not!Gordon a dramatic farewell monologue.

I would've gone with Fuzzy Dunlop.

I will have died from natural causes by the time they go on tour. Christ, this is the slowest build ever.

Go to Edinburgh. Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty… at least in my experience.

How the hell can you be "scarily accurate" about an emotional event?

I like to think of under the blacklight as the band's most straight-up pop album. It is a great gateway album.

I like to think of under the blacklight as the band's most straight-up pop album. It is a great gateway album.

I could have phrased my post better. For a lot of people, myself included, BSG couldn't just be "a good sci fi show", which is basically what the pilot is.

I could have phrased my post better. For a lot of people, myself included, BSG couldn't just be "a good sci fi show", which is basically what the pilot is.

I think it has to do with how you approached the finale. If you were in the moment and saw BSG as some atheist loveletter to rational thought than the finale ripped a hole in your chest.

I think it has to do with how you approached the finale. If you were in the moment and saw BSG as some atheist loveletter to rational thought than the finale ripped a hole in your chest.

Agreed with most of your review, except for one thing.

Agreed with most of your review, except for one thing.

I assume when you mention BSG's "magnificent" pilot you're talking about 33, an admittedly great slice of television.

I assume when you mention BSG's "magnificent" pilot you're talking about 33, an admittedly great slice of television.

What did Tara say as she was getting hauled off? If she doesn't tell Jax that Gemma had a hand in her arrest, than SoA does exactly what the show has always done - maddeningly create artificial drama that could be solved by character being honest with each other.

What did Tara say as she was getting hauled off? If she doesn't tell Jax that Gemma had a hand in her arrest, than SoA does exactly what the show has always done - maddeningly create artificial drama that could be solved by character being honest with each other.

Yep, I was glad that trigonometry made it through this episode too.

Yep, I was glad that trigonometry made it through this episode too.