
Spoilers for ye olde Veronica Mars…

One of the best things about the new canon is that they've sweeped out a lot of the redundant EU characters.

Fool For Love is my underrated favorite.

Did Canvanaugh get to play Earth-1 Harrison Wells at all? I think he may have gotten a brief chance in a flashback or two, but my mind is foggy.

If you haven't read it, The Darth Vader comic is FANTASTIC. It also does a riff on Geonosis that is a hell of a lot of fun too.

I miss that podcast something fierce. What sort of TV podcasts have people found as a good replacement?

Why would you think the show would jettison Amy, Dan etc.?

The America ad is fantastic across the board, and I think might be the most memorable so far.

In one of the commentaries, Apatow and Feig noted that they got Starr's reactions by just putting the camera on him and telling him filthy jokes.

Four paragraphs to get to the actual meat of the review. I totally agree with you that the show seems to be stumbling a bit in capturing racial dynamics (my friends and I got into a big argument over whether a black scientist would flirt so boldly in 1947, for instance), but to put that issue front and center in the

Wilmore's show is reliably garbage that very rarely delivers a nuanced take.

I've dealt with depression for a decade and have been treated as bipolar type 2 for the past few years.

I'm guessing Rowan will be revealed as the SHOCKING mastermind of some bullshit plot vomit in episode…. five of next year. Maybe they'll last six episodes before bringing him back. Doubtful.

LOVED the reference to Rats Saw God, Rob Thomas' first published novel.

Which was worse, Katana's fisher price white helmet or Maseo's goofy ass Scorpion cosplay mask?

Or Borgen.
*smoke elitist pipe*

That snide crack about the female voice at the end is pretty uncalled for.

Long distance dating accelerates a time table FAST.

Taken in isolation, the flashbacks are rather broadly drawn.

Oliver is correct that Daredevil is made up of very familiar pieces. But I think the ways that the show deploys those elements is downright masterful.