
Thank god. While I don't hate Old School, it is certainly is super overrated. I don't get why everyone loves that one so much. Its story is just too…basic. I thought The Hangover might fall into that category, but was so pleased it didn't. Awesome flick.

I know. I've got my stories to watch, and they come in and fuck it up with their sickness. I'll accept their apology only in writing, signed in the blood of a young lamb. Now I head out to the mailbox to await my apology.

Yup. Seattle Children's Hospital or something like that. Bloody infuriating.

Thanks for the ABC player tip. Yeah, that should be default, but I guess it stays on advertisers if you don't, so that may be why. Well, at least I can now change the settings so I don't have to get up when I plug it in to the ol' TV.

Shit, my local news station took over for some damn children's hospital telethon. Damn you kids, stealing all the attention from my PD. And who airs a telethon at 10pm on a Saturday night? Either way, had to watch it at ABC.com, which, I think we all agree, a crappy player.

So, this is either in the (at present) 1461 comments, or not, or not actually important, but might as well keep this thing going as long as possible.

I didn't think of that parallel with earlier Ben/Henry Gale. Solid point. Then does that mean he won't have much of a part next season (not really around season 1), which is something I doubt. He is a liar, which makes everything he's done, including his more pathetic side, not necessarily real. Sure, he is a bit of a

Yeah, Heroes was only good for its first season, as I'm sure you've heard. Waiting to see how the Unusuals goes, it is okay so far.

Oh man oh man. What a great episode. Is that the only one you haven't seen? It will be a good end episode, for sure, and will work in ways people who have seen it won't experience it. It's like me and the first episode of Heroes, minus that show sucking all sorts of ass and Lost rocking my face.

Haha, no, I responded to myself before I saw your posting.

Exactly, and that is what the fan part of me is banking on. I love having Ben and Richard know everything. They may be charlatans and liars, but they surely aren't stupid. But one will find out soon enough, I'm sure.

Some poor grammar and spelling above. Fuck me and my drinking problem.

Ben Linus?
I may be wrong, and there may have been posts on this already, but do we really believe Ben is, essentially, a pathetic nobody. It seems like that is what the show wants us to believe, and I make it a duty not to trust what I think the show is telling me. Ben has been too calculating and smart to all the

I think that the characters of the show, and even the tone of the show (if that makes any sense), are criticizing Franco and his beliefs a little, but I'd like to think, and hope, that the creators encourage speaking out. I mean, it's Leary, he isn't know for keeping his mouth shut on things. The

Perfect. I was going to mention a grassroots uprising in support of BOT and how Obama might be proud, and then I notice your comment Lincoln. Good thing I didn't because that elegant bastard did, in fact, push back BOT. What is the world coming to?

I see a trend emerging. Lost and Better Off Ted are the two shows that are being most discussed here. I say that, one, this reveals that BOT is damn buzz worthy, at least among the folks here. And, two, that this should indeed be covered, as Black Badger recommended. It gets better each week (well, Racial Sensitivity

Well, figuring ARCTU is no longer on and this is a decent replacement, I'm content. And figuring both shows have commonalities, I am not going to complain.

This is what I like to see. BOT is great, and I'm now forcing people to watch it. I actually give them no choice, peel their eyes open, and play the episodes for them for hours (and by hours, I mean like 2 or something. How many hours of Ted actually exist at this point?). Kind of like A Clockwork Orange. Or Lost, for

See, I disagree. I think she works because she isn't a "goth loner chick". So far, she seems to be a fairly normal (in terms of this show) kind of chick, who doesn't play to the typical "goth" cliches most tv shows and movies would. She works for her father doing the landlady stuff, and designs and works at a tattoo

Damn me. And damn the weird posting. Well, the semi-double post is really just underlining how great that scene was. So….yeah, take that.