
Hmm, post disappeared. But I'll skip the one thing and jump to the other. I just wanted to say that the guy who played Larry really sold his death. When he was getting suffocated, his eyes started bugging out. Really effective stuff. Man, I still don't know why I'm so stuck on Larry boy.

All sorts of craziness ensues. But yeah, that is what happened. And I forgot to mention, but damn did I feel really bad when Larry's eyes kind of popped out when Tony was suffocating him. One of the most realistic I've seen on TV.


Yeah, the heads of agencies really get the shaft in this show. And I remember Bill not being nearly as cool as he ended up being. So maybe Larry deserves some credit, even if it is not a silent clock. And yeah, Renee's wasn't deserved at the time, but we can tell she is building up enough credit. What if someone just

Yeah, true, I forgot the special people part of the rule. Stupid me.

Okay, I'm not completely sure how the silent clock works in 24 (despite the fact I've seen every season - well, I skipped the end of the last season, because it sucked). But why didn't ol' Larry get a silent clock? Is he still in the act of dying, or does Jack need to be around so… something. Or Renee? Dammit,

American Idol - Damn You
AI totally boned me tonight. I don't watch it, so I had to download the final 10-15 minutes because I wanted to (and currently am watching) the Rescue Me premiere. I wish they controlled their live broadcasts a little better. Oh well, I just like my tv to be on time.

Yeah, it just feels like a big gap, mostly because Supernatural did it earlier (which makes sense) and his passing seems like it happened a lot longer ago than it actually did. Regardless, nice to see it. Time is just flying by so fast it seems weird.

Kim Manners
I liked the "in memory" at the end. Don't know why they just did it now, but I liked it nonetheless. I sometimes forget the X-files/Breaking Bad connection, so that was a nice reminder.