
Produced by Gene Simmons Ltd and Axl Rose Enterprises. With promotional consideration by the the Liam & Noel Gallagher Institute for Cultural Excellence and Wham-O Ltd.

Laugh all you want but it's really hard for these victims to come forward and admit they were in this terrible band. Getting into band fights at Disney World is just so rock and roll. McGrath = sentient turd

Hey! That's me!

It's cool. But you REALLY should. I don't think it did wonders for Baltimore's tourism industry, though.

I had a random thought last night that she would make a great Harlequin for Joker if they ever brought him back for another Batman movie. I think it's the crazy eyes. She is frigging hilarious and her and Dennis have just great chemistry as psycho siblings.

I am making "A Very Sunny Christmas" part of my family's holiday season this year. Nothing like a naked, sweaty Devito in a leather couch to really bring everyone together. My parents were huge fans of his back in his days on Taxi so I'm sure they'll love it.

When they finally finish the series, I'm really hoping they uncover Dennis' mass burial ground somewhere. I find the whole lower-class-American-Psycho thing absolutely hilarious.

Mike better be a regular. Poor Mike.

The cast of Always Sunny toured with that show a couple years back.  The show in Boston sold out immediately.  I was very bummed I couldn't attend.

I was hoping this show would be about the painter of nightmares, Hieronymus Bosch.

To be honest, after the way he's treated the rest of Soul Coughing, I hope he's broke and never far from a hearty crying fit.  He certainly deserves it.

Tearinitup - Thanks man.  You've truly opened my eyes.  (Wow, this sarcasm shit is catchy as hell)  Actually, I've definitely heard people say stupid shit like that in all seriousness (because there are a ton of mouth-breathers out there).  That being said, I'll continue to type at will.  Your concern is appreciated,

Hey Coalgebraic - The sarcasm was not evident at all.  You do know that sarcasm doesn't convey in the written word as well as it does verbally?  I just thought you were being stupid.  Now I know you're just not good at making your attempts at humor evident.

You are not alone.  Fuck this movie just so much. 

I was and the original was just terrible.  Crazy how everyone from the same generation doesn't automatically have the same taste.  So weird.

Pssst.  What's with that guy's giant knees?

Yeah, but he clearly didn't step up and make a show about his workout regiment and healthy living.  It would've helped if said show wasn't focused on a bro-guy d-bag.  Good athlete.  Tiring person.

Well, there you have it.  Louganis was a diver.  We lose.  My day is ruined.

I'd go with Louganis and only because I vaguely remembering him smashing the back of his skull off of a concrete diving platform when I was younger.  The smashing was replayed on the news so often, I think I remember it more clearly than my own personal injuries.  And from multiple angles.

Hopefully he'll excel at fading into obscurity and become nothing more than an answer to a random sports trivia question that no one knows the answer to.