
At least he got to sneak in an episode of Psych in-between…this.

I might be wrong but I don't think the turtle on the beach spits out the TMNT gear and pizza. It looked to me like, when you interact with the turtle, you just throw that set of Sai, mask and pizza on top of it and just run on your merry way. Which is actually pretty funny.

Is that picture above a character concept for the next use of The Joker in a Batman movie? Kind of weak.

That was the first question that popped into my head because this looks simply awful.

MST3K is my go-to every time I feel down. Always works for me.

I don't know. Johnny Depp has been dressing like someone's embarrassing, hippy aunt lately. His friends should give him an intervention about putting any more scarves or random bracelets on when he leaves the house.

I get so much shit from people for liking it as well but the two of them are funny together. Damn the naysayers.

That part cracks me up every time I watch this episode.

No kidding. This sounds like the kid that would get a party busted back in high school because they were so excited someone actually told them where it was.

Florida. Manatee County, I think.

Give nagging wife a reality show. Check.

I completely agree. The first one was Raimi cutting his teeth on movie-making. Evil Dead II is a marked improvement all around. The first is pretty fun at parts, though.

Basically, only it's even funnier.

NO! That's it.

Judging from the massive success of Hostel and the Saw franchise, there are a lot of people who are all about the gore. I am not one of them.

I just meant more realistic. The blood in the originals was so over the top it wasn't believable. i just felt the remake was going too much for dwelling on the details of the painful things happening and the rest was just kind of forgettable.

I loved the originals and didn't think the remake had any real teeth. Also, no spoiler but the ending was totally moronic imo. They took out the heart and soul and replaced it with updated make-up and gore effects. Very violent but I find a well created atmosphere is far more horrifying than gore-porn.

I'm glad to see from the cover of his newest album up on Amazon that he hasn't become bored with playing with his hat brim. I'll be splattered on the sidewalk outside my office-building shortly, since you have now put that abysmal "Mambo No. 5" song into my head.

It's weird that they did that band photo shoot in the aisle of a BJs Wholesale. And that guy on the left with the red pants…..

I can't like this enough.