
I loved this movie. IMHO, this and California Split are the best movies about gambling and the addiction that can take hold.
Seymour-Hoffman was excellent but John Hurt just blew me away.

Do skunks and cats really look anything alike?

Is there anything in particular we can hate on Chris Brown for? Aside from the usual of just being Chris Brown that is.

Because esthetically it looks like shit. I thought Rolly'a house looked pretty damn sloppy that way.

What do you need that for Dude?

Elysium, Gravity, 12 Years a Slave, Anchorman 2

I loved Muppet Babies. That makes my short list of shows that should be sent to the public for the greater good, regardless of licensing rights. The other would be full episodes of Beavis & Butthead, along with all the video segments.

It's not all for nothing, I'll sing the praises of ALF Tales to anyone who will listen.

Nope, I think that fits. I think all three of these variations of the noun would apply:

So what is Another Woman? I'm actually not familiar at all. Don't feel too slighted they didn't pick your choice. They ignored my pleadings for Life and Times of Hank Greenberg during baseball week, and ignored Friday during day-in-the-life week.

I read that, thought 'what the fuck,' scrolled to the top, saw who wrote this bullshit, then all became clear.
As yes, a hack, that's who wrote this.

Don't stop the rant on my account. I could even participate, though I'm neither female nor black. I could still hold my own, at least for a few rounds.

I didn't think that sounded right. Wasn't it Jodie? Clearly these people are fucking racists, trying to keep a sista down.

Sweet and Lowdown, I always forget about that one and I really shouldn't. I reaaly love that movie.

And here I thought that was a fail as well.

For a 6 Degrees type answer, that actor was the mutant who became obese with bad prosthetics and boxed Logan in Origins: Wolverine.

Yes, perfectly done scene. And a great bit of old timey, analog comedy. That scene would be a waste in the digital age.

Wait, not even Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot? You have some homework to do.

When I saw the headline the first name I thought of was Michael B Jordan. Good for him, I would love to see his star continue to rise.

My experience watching this is one of the best I ever had with a Woody Allen movie, maybe even any comedy. Grabbed it from the video store knowing nothing about it except Allen made it, same with the guy I watched it with. We laughed ourselves stupid. I'm talking uncontrollable, sides hurting laughter.