
A3 at best. My theory is they are playing the long con game to set up the Infinity Gauntlet. To do that proper, they need the characters leased to competing studios before Marvel sold the rest all at once to Disney. So XMen, Spider Man, and to a much lesser extent Fantastic Four deals will have to expire and revent

Ben Foster is one of my favorite actors these days. He was tremendous in 3:10, and I would recommend everyone going back to see his great performance in the underrated 30 Days of Night.

Yes he did. Mangold overall is a great director, with a few bombs mixed in with his successes. For me, his successes far outweigh the failures. Copland was great, and 3:10 is my favorite western since Unforgiven.

Don't be upset, Dowd clearly has some sort of mental deficiency which prevents him from putting some bullshit, largely unsubstantiated dig at a movie he's not currently reviewing. Perhaps we should pity this mental defect.

The main reason I'm drawn to this movie is how much I loved 3:10 to Yuma, and what are westerns but American Samurai films. Mangold can clearly be capable in the genre, so I hope he pulls it off.

This movie did have a few good moments, but Scambag X sort of derailed the whole thing, ruining any potential goodwill in the process.

To: Marah Eakin

Blurred Lines

Downloaded it last week, and been listening to it non-stop since. It's so damn good, and actually gets better with every listen. It's really refreshing to hear, if that makes sense.
Lady BooUrns loved it as well. We listened to it together last night. The vibe really carries well through the whole album. And it's just

Welcome to SDCC '13 coverage on AVC!

Welcome to SDCC '13 coverage on AVC!

I generally agree, but io9 had on-the-spot reports for damn near every panel. Certainly all the major ones. If sending multiple reporters and having them line up early to get the stories you want is how it has to be done, then so be it.
I mean, these are fan cons, not press cons. The big studios could have done any

Nope. Lines are universal, no special area for press in the rooms either. Only difference between regular guests and press at SDCC is whether or not they paid for the ticket.

Agreed. I think it worked the best because it's the only part of the movie that seems to follow the comic directly. It uses the comic as storyboard, and recreates the chapter beat by beat for the scene.

I can't imagine a scenario where I would actually want to attend SDCC, even for free. I would like to one day go to both in Chicago, C2E2 and the one in Rosemont, whatever it's called.

I believe turdnato is the scientific.

Smells more like a fecal tornado to me.

Seems that way. Not screening for reviews is usually a good indicator.

"a Brundlefly merger of Tremors and Waking Ned Devine."

The original "Saw" movie, which at the time of it's release was actually a pretty original concept, was legit. I think it still holds up today.
Fuck all the sequels, but don't shit on the original just because it seems easy.