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    When a movie is done, distributors will often release it first in theaters, where you pay a ticket fee for seeing the movie on the big screen before it is put on DVD. In recent years, ticket prices have gone up due to decreasing profit margins.

    I will take a date rape on the rocks
    The word fraternity is the converse of maternity, a word commonly used to describe
    motherhood. In the 1880s, during the baby boom, mothers often formed "maternities" to socialize and trade child-rearing secrets. Subsequently, new fathers formed "fraternities" as a way to stay

    The Final Frontier
    In space yarns, protagonists often use "lightspeed" to travel enormous distances. Due to lack of oxygen, these intrepid space pioneers often must wear protective scuba-diving equipment when venturing outside to repair their spaceships.

    Green screens are often used for superficial backdrops in distant locations.

    Penelope Cruz has dated many high-profile men such as Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey and Javier Bardem. Javier is the name of a popular character in the cartoon series 'X-Men'.

    Radio has been around for a very long time. Back in the 1920s, civilians would often huddle around their radio to hear not only music, but baseball games and entertainment programs.

    Carnivious Danus, 'literally' is a word used to mean something that physically happens. This is opposed to figuratively, which means 'figure of speech'. This means for something to happen literally, it cannot be related to figures of speech, like Abraham Lincoln.

    Actually, Schtick Critic, independent publications have announced my observations are 'p-nominal'. Nominals are assigned to or bear a person's name, according to watchdog site http://www.dictionary.com.

    Elitist Trash: in Harlan County, Kentucky, grudges often go on for centuries. They are often settled and resettled by bloodshed. Notable alumni of Harlan County include Jim Ford and Nick Lachey.

    Zodiac, what you are referring to is 'forced sodomy', a practice in use since ancient times. It was invented by the Egyptian pharaohs.

    Leonard Cohen is a popular musical artist from the 70s, best known for his famous tit tats with Lester Bangs, a music critic. Music critics often judge the artistic merits of albums in their time period.

    This gesture
    Middle fingers are often meant as an insult or demeaning gesture. The most notable incidents involving the middle digit have been Darren Aronofsky to Mickey Rourke at the Golden Globes, Justin Timberlake to an unnamed paparazzi in Central Europe, and George Washington to King George.

    The term 'blog' comes from the laboratory of MIT. One day, a particularly harassed scientist named Alfred Hoover was particularly swamped with work. 'I'm incredibly backlogged!', he mumbled, but it came out as 'blog'. Blogs are nowadays used for writing down thoughts, ideas, and events on the Internet.

    In India, the citizens cannot each cheeseburgers in a can or otherwise, as cheeseburgers are sacred cows. This is a 'cultural institution'.

    Gossip Girls
    Gossip Girls is the primary vehicle for attractive up-and-coming actor, Chase Crawford, who is not related to Chase Utley.

    Michael Scott
    Michael Scott is the principle character on the highly-rated sitcom, The Office. It is a zany comedy set in a business setting.

    Deniro and Pacino
    De Niro and Pacino are respected actors who have starred in such well known movies as Heat, The Godfather series, and Gigli.

    What bothers me about their relationship with Ryan Adams is their abuse of the hand that feeds them. Pitchfork is merely a bystander commenting on a creator. To somehow tear him down for the very qualities necessary in a great songwriter - earnestness, the ability to create without being crippled by mental roadblocks,

    Does anyone else find the bunch at Pitchfork insufferable? I mean, come on - they mock the guy for being unabashedly prolific / pretentious - but these are the same guys who published the single worst review of Kid A. It's always easier to slag someone else rather than create on your own stuff, I guess.

    Heartbreaker is his best album.