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    Man Candy Hunter, you are a hormonal human being.

    Being pregnant is nothing to be ashamed of. It is actually a universal sign of being with child.

    I pictured sexual intercourse with the man's feet propped up on her shoulders while she pegged them with massive dildos.

    I don't think they do bored / expressionless as much as bewildered. Think Superbad.

    Stop that!

    The butt cheeks were OK. It was unexpected, anyway. But WS movies aren't very sexual, so it could have been better.

    Both pictures
    What are you trying to do, set this guy up for failure?

    Grandma's Dead

    For some reason, 'we all know the first three, but 1992 was the fourth' made me burst out laughing. I don't know why.


    EvelKareebal is saying Bono isn't going to Heaven because he's got enough of an ego to try and help people.

    Change of plan
    I now declare thread a discussion about a far inferior show, The Office.

    What's Thanksgiving without Zodiac climbing up on the table and piledriving the turkey?

    Respectfully disagree.

    This web-site is really a terrible thing when you aren't on lunch break at work, it's true. The involuntary laugh is a dead-giveaway in a corporate environment like mine, because let's face it, there's nothing to fucking laugh about in the WDM industry. You hear me, IT?

    You know what didn't rape my childhood? That classicl game for Windows 95, Myst.

    You know, I kind of felt Amelie, or as I like to call her, Pam, dropped the ball on this one for not tying it back in with modern-day Jim Carrey, who is ALSO doing his best Carrey 90's character impression in the 'Yes Man', coming to a theater soon near you!

    2 pages and no mention of the Myst theme?
    The subject title says it all Doesn't anyone else recognize that Myst soundtrack, or am I going insane?

    Mbs is the kind of thing I see between my toes when I pull off sweat-stained stocks.

    That shit CAN wait.