Falconback Horsery

Boy you must have really hated how when Danny Trejo as Trejo couldn't make it to the big heist and they just so happened to spot an ex con they knew working at that greasy spoon and offered him the job on like, what?, half an hours notice?
Talk about yer convenient plotholes.

Goddamn, Pacino just ruins this movie for me.
He's fucking terrible.
The role is a tired one and I doubt the whole, rock'n'roll, hip detective would have worked with some more grounded actor, but Pacino just does his desperate overacting thing and… ugh.

When I first saw Undergournd I thought, "Oh good, Kurstirica up to his usual tricks," didn't really give a thought that it might be controversial.
I understand why people would grouse over the snakey politics of it, but, let us be fair, it's not like Kurtirica is some sober realist.
He's always going to be nostalgic and

Needlessly confusing… like trying to play Rush's music.
Seriously though, it's some hard shit to play, you gotta be on your toes.

It's like some kind of Zombie Curly.
Cause if anything else thats kids love these days besides Stooges, it's zombies, so why not double down?

Close, it's Fake Shemp.

Heineikin? Fuck that.

No one is stabbed twenty-six times while sleeping.
You are stabbed once while asleep and twenty-five times awakened-holy-fuck-someone-is-stabbing-me.

It's just something in the water.
And I wants me some of that water.

I remember seeing Megaforce in the theater and liking it (oh, my poor, poor mother, who had to endure it).

I need to hear anecdotes about acting like you are on a flying motorcycle.
Like, now.


Holy shit.
That's awesome.
Isn't it also, like, a student film or something?
Dear lord, if it is not…

I was kinda' shocked to find Catalina Caper had a bad reputation with misties (though that was hardly the most shocking thing I found in those infant internet days).
I always thought the riffs were pretty solid.

I hope his heaven is full of fat ladies to photograph and no jackass nerds sweating on him.

Blomkamp has a problem with writing everything with the shitty logic and world-building of a video game: surface maudlin, nonsensical, and basically an excuse to put guys in mech suits and fight each other.

You know, last weeks episode was so golden it was hard to top, but holy hell this episode was worth it solely for Frank saying (paraphrase), "You could go full-cat and wear humans on your shirts."

I think this season is far more disparate than the other seasons.
They are not really interacting with each other much and the storylines seem to fizzle out, don't really carry over very well, not a lot of momentum.
In the past I felt like they really built up a through line for every character that paid off throughout

Brother's Keeper was a real revelation- like Gates of Heaven and Roger & Me- of how emotionally powerful a documentary could be.
It really expanded my understanding of documentary as a form beyond basic, studiously presented information, that it could be a story form as strong as any other, maybe even stronger given

I thought the same thing in regards to The Possession.
Originally, I thought I'd like to fly on the wall Eraserhead but I'd much rather the workings of that film be a beautiful mystery.
Adjani's underpass freakout is just such a beautiful, sustained, manic, voodoo freakout that seeing that single scene take place would