Falconback Horsery

Peele doesn't even come close to touching the oddness of the original.
Perhaps he should have gone method and drank a bunch of jet fuel before taping the sketch.

I love that Bryan Cranston was in the running for Luthor, then Snyder met with Eisenberg and was wowed by the fact that Eisenberg wasn't really that into doing the part and said the only reason to cast him would be because it was so contrary to people's notions of ideal casting for the villain.
I mean, seriously.

I cannot believe it but I agree with Cameron, the man who made the incredibly derivative Avatar and who somehow thinks his incredibly derivative Avatar needs it's own multi-film universe.

I think this season, and this episode, more than any other is showing how the show runners have completely wiped away Martin's sense of geography.
While it is a major reason the books can kind of get into a slog, you do at least get a sense of just how large this world is, getting from one place to another takes

Neon Demon was okay.
Technically, I found the lens flare and ghosting a little distracting, as well as the Keanu stunt casting.
But, mainly, the suspense/horror would have been aided by trimming a good fifteen to twenty minutes out of the flick.
As it is, it's a tad too thin and indulgent for a pretty-but-puerile genre

It really didn't feel like a proper final season at all.
The characters all being separated.
The dangling plot threads.
All things that added up to a neutered central conflict/bag bad.
It had it's moments, but if that's the best they could do for a final bow probably for the best that it's over.

The way everything wrapped up… I don't know… it certainly felt like at some point during the planning they were told Eva Green was going to be busy, and the season was going to be shortened, AND, by the way, you are canceled.
It was all just sort of neutered.
A shame.
Still, the show had some cracking good stuff, it's

Archer seems a little too niche.
It would have to be some Pootie Tang level miracle to get a live action version funded.

This just makes me feel so old.
Content to me is rarely some sort of cross platform experience.
The very concept of live tweeting just gives me the grumps.
For me, 'tis enough to tune into a show, and much more to expect me to then only find said show rewarding when it's also filling up my YouTube queue/whathaveyou.

I LOVE Attenberg, and generally Tsangari and Lanthimos' style.
This flick looks to be another winner.

Eva Green, seriously, needs all the awards.
No, wait, fuck that.
She needs to be earning as much as the rest of the cast combined.
Wonderful stuff.

It's refreshing to see a horror series that tackles something as deep as faith, sins and evil, with this kind of intelligence and subtlety.

At 5:29 I freaking cried with laughter.
Thats the Steven I know and love, one could say, rabidly.

Yeah, my takeaway from Grave… has always been that, yeah, the aunt is a total cunt but it wasn't like she was so abusive that the alternative of being homeless, starving, cold, and sick seems like a great idea.
But, I've known kids that were orphaned and/or had far more terrible living situations they had to escape, so

The Pixies were actually my first concert.
I caught them during the Trompe Le Monde tour, a fated time as any to see them.
I agree, there was a weird energy to it where Black and Santiago seemed really goddamned grumbly- Santiago in particular faced away from the band members and avoided even making eye contact.

I don't know.
I just didn't buy her character very much.
She's shown as being so desperately lonely that she's in "love" with Deniro for… well, that reason alone, really, and when given the truth and options, she chooses to run away with this guy?
C'mon, she's a loon.
Maybe there was more of their courtship on the editing

My Lollapalooza '95 experience peaked in line waiting to get in.
Some guy in front of us was already drunk in the AM and he started mouthing off to a huge dude for reasons I will never know.
The huge guy endured it and asked drunky, maybe not nicely, to cool it, then drunky touched him.
The huge guy just flashed a

I would love to hear Rhodes say Tooth Fairy.
With his lisp it would be the cutest thing ever.

Well, actually, it fudges things a bit.
I'm not sure what the denominations are, but a million dollars in neatly stacked hundreds can snugly fit in a standard backpack.
With what they are carrying in the film if it's hundreds, that score should be like eighty or a hundred million, which isn't what the film states.

Unless you are a woman.
In that case, you are probably an unstable harpy or basket case of some sort who is just going to drive these career driven men to fuck up.