Falconback Horsery

Ugh, drug addiction.
It's just so awful, you can have a life filled with so much reason, love, and promise and this senseless shit still can get it's hooks into you.

I read the book and actually Shamalama-ding-dong is a perfect fit because it's pretty decent (if derivative) until the final twisteroo, which is total balls.

She's loads better than the dude they had first playing the Master on Nu Who.
His take was pretty toothless, just a lot of grinning and yelling, like a bipolar game show host.

I think it's an okay film.

He's an interesting case study in an aestheticist so in love with the tactile things in horror that he misses on the primal-reactionary side of it.
For instance, his most horrorish films, Cronos, Backbone, and Labyrinth have children that are pretty quickly keen on the monsters. He sort of doesn't get the frightful

Well, scary, or creepy, some sort of horror vibe would be nice.
Something about this trailer just doesn't do it, maybe its the CGI, maybe it's the modern song, just looks like it has been production designed to death, lots of detail but no emotion.
But, we'll see.

Despite loving Breaking Bad, I had no real anticipation for this show.
I just wasn't sold on Saul as a lead, especially when it's prequel nature robs one of the tension and mystery of where it is all heading.

While it was a tad prosaic, I thought the fever dream into death was adequately done.
At least, it was a nice change of pace from Dead's usual major character shock-dies tactics, nicely made Tyrese's dying subjective and gave it a chance to breathe.

I guess Tuco showing up is okay, but I really think they should be frugal with the Breaking Bad connections.

Now I'm imagining a post credits The Thing stinger where Kurt Russel and Keith David are eating Bagel Bites.

Randy Quaid strikes me as a trepanning kind of guy, followed by a little foil hat wearing depending on the rays that day.

You know, I can understand misplacing lots of things, your keys, cel phone, turkey baster, sanity…

Navin R. Johnson

Even though I was a horehound kid, I got freaked over the vhs art for Headless Eyes for some reason.
It just seemed really sleazy at the time

In the articles still it looks like the actors have just caught a whiff of fart in the room.
All the actors except for the fat guy, the most likely to have dealt it.

Some of my friends were in a band that made it onto 120 Minutes, video and live.
During their live spot, they smashed their instruments at the end of their performance.
A bad choice as it came across too pre-planned and wannabe cool mannered.
Matt Pinfield, who was not the most expressive dude other than nervous

It has to be serious.
Comics are man's modern myths.
It's a high art form.
… with, ya' know, a guy that stretches and shit.

I think the articles mention of "… convincingly real movie set" is hyperbolic, but, regardless, it is a pretty nifty short.

Jodorowsky's DUNE is a recent one that affectionately fudges the truth a bit.
"We were so close to making the movie."
If by "close" you mean you had storyboards, a script, some designs, and verbal commitments from eccentric celebrities you accosted into verbal commitments but no actual funding or contracts, etc, then,

Paul Shafer does often insist on being spanked.