Falconback Horsery

Yeah, my first thought reading the cast list was, "Oh, Tom Hardy, you're too good for this crap."
But, ya, know,… bills.

Yeah, I think people went in to Godzilla thinking it would be a turd and that clouded peoples view.
While it's not awful, it is lukewarm and undercooked in every key area: human drama, social message movie, and monster fightin' action.
I cannot imagine as time goes by that it will have many fans anxious to go back to

I don't know if thats a fair slag on the girl.
I thought the whole idea was that she sold herself as an image, an idol, pretense, not some genuine article.

I actually thought when the hospital was introduced with it's get raped or starve angle that it would be pretty fucking brave of the show to make Dawn rape Beth or at least have the threat.
It would have been pretty unexpected and a nice exploitation-womens-prison-flick kind of angle.

I have no problem killing off major characters in a way that makes some sense.
I agree with the article, that making Beth's death a heat of the moment sort of thing, it kinda' feels like a dramatic cheat, a shock moment for shocks sake.
Beth's nature thus far and the tension of the exchange, those things just didn't

I don't think anyone should be beholden to old aesthetics.
It's an all new series of films in a totally different era from different people without the original creators input.
That said, having some practical stunts and real, lived-in sets always helps endear an audience to the action and the world.

Armada went downhill when they lost Herman Mendelchuck.

"Butts can't hear, but they sure can talk."
- William Burroughs

As for the opening paragraph, it has been pretty well documented that the idea that Wells broadcast caused a panic and people bought it as real simply wasn't true.
That was something that was spun in the media aftermath, it made a good story (with Wells egging, the man was a showman), and it became a pop culture

I'm going to stop drawing pentagrams in blood on my basement floor and start drawing peacocks.
Maybe it will help.

Usually, I'm a little forgiving, but this episode had some staging/continuity issues that bugged me.

While I thought MST lagged in it's final years, I still bristled at the canceling.
It wasn't so bad that it wasn't worthwhile, and I just generally loved the idea that it existed.
That said, the final season appearances of Joel and Frank in Soultaker was cute and the finale was a really good send off.

Nine Types of Light is my favorite album.
Agree, the tone of the album is great.
Love Desperate Youth too.

"Strangely, I have to appreciate anybody who uses a fairly great sci-fi storyline as a Mormon metaphor"

That Truck Turner's "like a bulldog with eyes up his ass."

I have no problem with Serial.
When it comes to investigation, you never want to jump to a conclusion.
Koenig would be a terrible reporter if she took one avenue of research and came to a conclusion before covering all options.
(Besides, we don't know the actual timeline of her investigation, it could all be one big

I guess I'm kinda' lucky.
The first two bands I really went nuts for, buying every album and tracking down singles/imports, were Bauhaus and The Pixies.
Both broke up before I could go cold on them (though Trompe Le Monde was never a favorite) or was old enough to get a Bauhaus logo tattoo.

God, help me, as a lad, I was really attracted to the punk chicks.

I think the multiple blow-up doll mouths also tell one a lot about the artist.

This sounds great.
When he's firing on all gears, he's a great filmmaker (Cure, Pulse, Tokyo Sonata…), and often his missteps still have some interesting elements (Loft, Retribution, Guard from the Underground…).
Will check this one out.