Falconback Horsery

When I read the comics, I cannot remember if I believed Eugene or not, which means I probably bought it to some degree.
His talking on the satellite phone was a good misdirection they should have used on the tv show (only have the phone get damaged, maybe on purpose, before anyone could figure it was fake).
Looking at

I bailed as a regular viewer near the start of the prison/Woodbury arc and only got back into it when I caught marathons of the last season and found to my surprise it had improved to at least being watchable.
I think the decision to fracture the groups is what accounts for better storytelling.
Last season and this one,

Screw the artwork, it was that little train that made his home decor tip into a Hellscape Of Madness.

This is the episode that sunk The Simpsons for me ("Worst episode, ever.").
I was a Simpsons superfan but had noticed a dip in quality around season seven and then this episode landed.
Just nothing about it worked for me, none of the jokes and especially the serious moment when Milhouse's parents start arguing at the

The character is pretty awful.
It doesn't make any sense for Constantine to sneer at her that she cannot handle the kind of shit he faces and then… she gamely handles all the shit he faces and even bails him out.
Would have been so much more interesting to go the other way, fearful, in wonder, sucked into something

Tops: Into The Dalek
Robot of Sherwood
Deep Breath
Dark Water/Death In Heaven

Had Zodiac been just about obsession, paranoia, and the dead end of hunting an elusive madman, I would have loved it, like, say, Memories Of Murder.
But, it seemed too in love with Graysmith's crackpot Allen theory and the idea that Graysmuith was, yes, obsessed, paranoid, but *gasp* right, didn't sit well with me- but

Henry's severed head from ERASERHEAD.

What's better than that?

Darn, I pulled the card where the giant black guy in a jockstrap and cowboy hat suddenly appeared and slapped me back to square one.

Man On Wire is by no means Errol Morris lite.
It's freaking amazing.
Pulling off suspense in a documentary is no easy task.

Border guard: "Something in this truck smells funny."

I've seen Holiday, Mon Oncle, and Play Time.
I love minimalism and his influences, appreciate his composition, but Tati just doesn't make me laugh.
For me, it's like a collection of minor gags, no tiering of small to medium to big laughs, really low key ones that arrive at a glacial pace.
I'd rather watch Dave Foley as

I don't know, Bowman and Poole were a couple of dicks to poor HAL 9000.
He was just looking out for the best interests of the mission, dammit!

In other words, "Let's just forget about that Elysium garbage, shall we?"

Yeah, I really enjoyed it.
Great subject matter, style, and performances.
The only knock I would put against it is that the score is overplayed and just not very good.
Really, it is a film that might be better without a score or at least one that is more background/ambient-based.

Kid's do weird shit.
Anyone offended by the vagina anecdote and bribing her sister for kisses or to play dress up clearly haven't been exposed to that, not unusual at all, realm of children's innocent exploration.

I loved Only God Forgives.
It's a totally unapologetic, symbolism and style on it's sleeve piece of arthouse exploitation.
I can see why it turned a lot of people off because it is so mannered; Drive is too.
I liken it to Cronenberg's Crash (only humorless). Refn dedicates it to Jodorowsky. I'd say those three things are

My current ringtone for all my good friends is the ESCAPE FROM NY main theme.

I like Edge of Destruction, it's short and bonkers, Space Madness!!!
Plus, I really like how it and the first few Who's set up that this is some chaotic business traveling through space and time.
It ain't fun and games, it is dangerous.
It would have been so easy to go the other way, be light and frothy, but they were