Falconback Horsery

That's probably why I prefer Web Planet to Keys of Marinus.
Yeah, it's awful and insufferably long but holy hell is Web Planet kooky.
Keys of Marinus from the ground up just screams they weren't really trying hard- even by rushed, classic Who standards.

Having read the books, I don't think they translate particularly well to film.
There is a real emphasis on emotional content, the inner lives of the characters that might be hard to get across.
Thats really the thrust of the books, as opposed to action/traditional act structure.
Without spoiling, the actual mysteries

Murray and Mitch Glaser are apparently buds.

I know THEM! was ants, I was just meaning giant insects in general.

Yeah, they got a few of the monster references wrong or called out modern versions of classic horror, like giant spider = Eight Legged Freaks?, not THEM!, etcetera.
The Bride is probably Bride of Frankenstein.
Dolls are likely just evil dolls.
I don't even think Slender Man was even around when the movie was made, or at

Guess, I'm made of garbage.
Just because you reference a bunch of horror and get all meta does not a smart or good movie make.
It's debatably lazy and smugly self-aggrandizing.
By the films final hook, that's how I felt about it.

The book did nothing for me.
The first third was mildly okay, but then it quickly grew tedious and anticlimactic.
When I heard about it being adapted, the first thing I thought was, "I hope they ditch the flashbacks."
I didn't like how the book played coy with how the powers come about, giving a vague fantastical answer;

Thats horrifying.
That doppleganger means that dad's kid bills just doubled.

It's really not that bad.
Not great, either, but it has some moments and Glover is a good atypical fit.
A decent rental.
Plus, it's one of those modern remakes that actually makes sense as the original is terribly clunky and not untouchable by any standard.

Yeah, but the big brown rat survives, so win for diversity?
Or maybe thats just a slighting comment on their superior breeding.

Yes! That is one great bit of gonzo HK crime. It's a supercut all on it's own.

Ugh. Agree.
Nolan makes dumb movies.
They just have such a slick and meticulous veneer people are misdirected into thinking they are smarter, above average genre work.
Nolan's like an Ivy league Bret Ratner or a non-cocaine fueled Michael Bay.

Or T.F. Mou's Black Sun, Lost Souls, hell, even his kung fu flick Deadly Secret has some grisly stuff in it.

I guess it says a lot about my viewing habits over the years that I only found one scene I didn't recognize (the home video'ish? shot of the blond, punk guy shooting himself in the head).
I need to watch more classic musicals or something.

All I could think was
1) Maybe Bob's skull/fontanel never hardened
2) Put down a garbage bag, for fuck's sake, you are ruining a perfectly good couch!

I still think Walking Dead still needs someone in the writer's room whose sole purpose is designated as The Logic Fairy.

Island of Terror is one I stumbled on one night when I couldn't sleep.
I think it was showing on AMC at like six o'clock in the morning and I started watching it because of Peter Cushing.
I remember thinking, "Why the Hell haven't I heard of this? It's 60's Brit horror. Weird monsters. Bleak, people under siege horror.

This month so far, revisited From Beyond, The Uninvited, and Alien, and new to me, The Descent: Part Two, Exorcism Of Emily Rose, the first Hammer Mummy movie, Never Sleep Again, Cry Of the Banshee, and Under The Skin.

See, I didn't warm to the main actor.
Constantine in the comics is bitter and sarcastic first and foremost, that's his natural state of being, and the actor playing him leaned more towards annoyed and angry.
I suppose I could get used to it; not precious about adaptations and maybe he'll grow into the role.
Still, seems

I've always thought the comparison was asinine.
Elvira's act is winking, dumb valley girl, not even remotely the same as what Vampira supposedly did.
The dress Vampira borrowed from Morticia Adams.
In the 80's Vampira was only a cultural thing in peoples distant memories or from Plan 9, so the whole, "You stole my act