Falconback Horsery

It's a shame the second album doesn't have another song or two.
It's really good, better than the lighter/first one, but it's more of an EP than an album proper.

I got sick and couldn't make a Ween concert so my friends pulled down one of the Ween posters the club had displayed and had them sign it.
For Ween-ish reasons, Gene and Deen both signed their names upside down and wrote down a totally different name than my own, one not even remotely close.

Yeah, two things completely contrast each other- secret horrible act, beloved comic icon.
There isn't anything funny about it, yet, Cosby being who he is publicly, the first image I had after hearing the allegations was Cosby standing over a woman saying, "Take this filth-flarn-filth."

Hey, I'd gladly sit down with a Billy Beer and watch a movie where Jimmy Carter battles space apes on Mars.

Funny, me too.
Watching the first two episodes I dismissed it and dubbed it "Buffy-with-Abercrombie-models."
Some friends become fans, and I got the season two dvds to review was hooked.
They only lost me with when they ghosted Jim Beaver and had the whole Leviathan arc.
I've dropped in from time to time but it just

I thought the show getting meta was part of it creatively petering out.
To me it's sort of a cheap and deflating device.
It's a card that is okay played once, but they kept going back to it (which you could say was an overall problem with plot ticks on the show).

Peter Jackson is the model of a film maker that needs to have fucking limitations.
Set wild he just piles on Rube Goldberg action scenes that are so numbingly long and elaborate in wonky falseness they cease to be fun.
I don't think I've ever nodded off during action scenes like I did his Kong and the first Hobbit

By most accounts, Hitch was barely capable behind the scenes and it was a miracle he got it finished, and boy does it show.
Family Plot is one creaky abortion.
So wish Frenzy had been his final film as it has a weird energy, lurid and modernly mean braced against his old school frothy suspense.

With disability comes responsibilty.

"Where's the queen and her faggoty-ass son?"

I really think it has to reach a saturation point.
People are bound to get sick of it, and with the huge budget costs, when it dies, it's going to die quick (you just need two, maybe three, films to severely underperform to send all studios into a panic).

Yeah, racialist Comcast had him saying, "What up, bitch."
Which was weird, because they are usually spot-on.

Boneless is okay.
Could have been worse and called them Banksies.
For a personality lacking, monster of the week, they sure looked cool.

Yeah, maybe if the lamplights are like those lures on deep sea fish.
And they hop about.

Funny. Just this week I watched that PBS series where they do celebrity family histories (with my ma naturally) and the guy who heads the NAACP was on.
His family was mixed, white dad, black mom.
When they tested his genes he was like 80% white (the host even joked "You are the whitest black man we've ever tested").

Man, how embarrassing.
It's almost like the AV Club is staffed by white geeks or something.
Or, maybe, totally blind people?

Yeah, thats pretty dumb; the quote was probably just hyperbole.

Thats because those fx people really captured Dubya's essence.

My problem with Bowfinger is always Martin's character.
I find him unconvincing, his character doesn't quite click, which is weird considering he wrote it.
When I saw it in the theater, I remember thinking he didn't remind me of a Lloyd Kaufman-type and kept flashing to better recent examples in similar roles, Gene

You were not alone.
Amigo's totally bombed.
I remember seeing it in the theater and no one laughing and, even further, a big black void opening up the weirder and more nonsensical the joke (of which Amigo's has plenty).
I think I gave it a second chance purely because it was such a cable staple in the late 80's that you