Falconback Horsery

Clara's characterisation is very easy to pin down- she's just a writer's mouthpiece.

I'm sorry but all these jokes are bombing.

It's really simple, folks, film noir was coined directly in reference to mystery and crime pulps and thats the basic box where it belongs
Sure, some films have noirish elements in their tone and plot, but that doesn't make them true noir's.
Just because The Master has a psychologically damaged, sex-frenzied, violence

Has 8-bit become retro enough for a guy like Waits or is he just now becoming a Pong man?

Yeah, sad to say, but anyone giving the guy any money is seriously wasting it.

Nah, he married the woman who will help you find your Cherry 2000.

Well, I think Herzog puts his own spin on it with the plague bits and the hypnotic pace.

My niece raved about them and said that the lead chick spit booze on the crowd when she saw them live.
That was something I thought only cheesy 80's metal bands did.
Maybe they were doing it ironically.
Or maybe it was part of her artistic "self expression" and "empathy" toward others.
Any way, 'tis juvenile and gross.

I would love to see Sho Kosugi doing the worm.

Yeah, same year, AV club triumphed something like Lockout as dumb fun, but Dredd was crapped on.
Two different reviewers, but still,… to my eyes, they were both in that decent, lizard brain territory.

I long chalked Browning's Dracula's stiffness up to the era of film production and, at the time, talkie horror being a largely unexplored genre.
Then I saw the Spanish version which, I agree, is just staged better in most every way, visually.
They really seem to get it in a way Browning and crew didn't.

It is nice to see Lynch directing again, and hopefully he commits to a decent story, something wonderful and strange and not tired or slapdash.
(That's my diplomatic way of saying, as a long committed Lynch diehard, Inland Empire was a fucking mess)

Yeah, that struck me too.
The Master is not film noir.
Not at all.

She really does steal the show.

Ugh. I don't know. One man's quirky whimsy is another man's petulant jerk face.

Yeah, I guess I mean, it hasn't aged well in terms of the novelty of it's time really helped it's flaws- there being nothing quite like it in terms of style and mixing so many different tones, being part of the zeitgeist. Revisiting it, when it does fall apart, what was merely annoying then I find intolerable now.

They better end that night with Audition, because it'll blow most anything they could show after it right out of the theater.

Oliver Reed, alcohol werewolf.

It has not aged well at all.

I usually tell people to start with Virgin Spring and Wild Strawberries, then hit 'em with the one two knockout punch of Seventh Seal and Persona.