Falconback Horsery

Yeah, actually you can add Adric to that, Wish I wasn't here," too grumbly list.
He and Tegan together?
Fucking Christ.
Let me die in the vacuum of space.

As for the "my ma was in a concentration camp" business, one of the first things a person with clinical depression is told is that you do not quantify your pain, weigh it against others. People who are prone to depressed spirals very often get worse precisely because they do this, look at their life and think, "others

Mel's just too fucking chipper.
I still think that Tegan is probably the worst companion because she's a total bitch who doesn't want to be adventuring and basically spends every episode reminding us of that fact.
She and Mel are like the opposite ends of the spectrum.
Mel = "This is great, you're not having enough fun!"

I went out and saw Kyle Kinnane.
He delivered a solid hour plus with only a few things I recognized.
Said he's taping his next special in a week, so I guess this was a primer of whats to come.
Solid stuff.

Yeah, even as an old school fan, any time I read praise for mid-late 80's Who, it's usually of the sort that says, "Well at least it wasn't Timelash/Twin Dilemma/etc," which is about as feint a praise as you can get. Hazy line between awful and bearable.

I think it's still a stupid accusation, a Ligotti fanboy getting his existential panties in a bunch.

Yeah, figured Chris O'Dowd and Dylan Moran in the cast was a clue that it's got the black/offbeat humor thing going for it.

The script for Hateful Eight is pretty uninteresting.

Mediums die because they no longer reflect the times we live within.

Yeah, I was afraid it was going to look like Supernatural or Grimm, but that trailer sold it as a little less soft around the edges, creepier, emphasis on horror, so I'll give it a shot.

^I was a kid dropped off at the movies, so I had to see that showing.

My theory for Goldblum's outfit was that joining Banzai's crew afforded a person to embrace their inner hero, so Goldblum went with cowboy, like a kid would.

As someone who snuck into Army Of Darkness not because I had no money but because there was a long line outside the theater and I was afraid I would miss a single second of the movie if I waited…

Agreed, this film just implodes at the end.
It's a wonderfully muscular horror-suspense film, borderline genius, and then… ugh, that ending.
The ending is so bad I've never rewatched the movie or recommended it to anyone.

I think that the sequel bias kind of worked in it's favor for me.

Agreed, I don't get the hate.

SyFy's track record isn't great, but, goddamn, I thought a Fargo series was a dumbnuts idea and it turned out okay, so I'm hesitant to make snap judgements.

The first one I thought was underwhelming but really liked the second, seemed to really embrace the idea much better in it's zaniness and shock.

I've said since Tennant was leaving that I wanted them to try more venomous (and older). Looks like I may finally get my wish.

I read the entire series and until the last book I had no knowledge of what Martin looked like.
As I got to the end of the book, I was creeping closer and closer to the hardback's author picture.
I knew that he had many books to go and many years between the novels, so I kept saying to myself, "Please don't be some