Falconback Horsery

I wonder what the S.E.R.G.E.I. System entailed?

Del Toro actually isn't compatible with Lovecraft because Lovecraft wasn't a show you the monster kind of guy.
Lovecraft's horrors, especially in something like Mountains, were so horrible they were near unimaginable whereas Del Toro will just make it big, bold, probably throw a bunch of eyes on it's hands, and then

I seriously don't think there is another director with a better track record than Bunuel through the sixties and seventies.

"That was a particular danger for Baker, whose acting style only grew more over-the-top as time went on. His worst habits are only just starting to show through here, though, and his moments of Shatnerian silliness…"

Criminal profiling is hardly a "dubious science."
Like any method it can be applied wrongly and most experts worth their salt will say that it should never be a sole means to finding an offender and never the main evidence in seeking a conviction.

When the internet was in it's infancy, I wrote to Ebert challenging something he said in one of his reviews and he wrote me a moderately long email back, shockingly, saying that I had a good point.
I cannot recall exactly what was said or even what movie it was (though I know it was something arty) but it always

I think Moffat is light years better than Davies.
I don't even want to rewatch most Davies era eps, whereas I've rewatched quite a few Moffat-Smith eps.
I agree the arcs havent interested me and Clara is more of the same, plucky, perfect girl bullshit, but Smith was terrific and the Moffat run has delivered the best

Agree, that too.
I swear my heart sank when I realized the final fight would be at the bottom of the sea, "No way in Hell I'm gonna know what's going on," and I didn't.

Dang, I was hoping it was a series based on the Haneke film.

I disliked it and I grew up on Godzilla and Ultraman and the like- not that it matters.
Thought the story was rote and the acting, mostly, really awful.
The action was okay but I often got lost during the fights because everything was so cramped, no sense of space- why shoot giant monsters and robots mostly in close-up?

Peter Jackson used to have a WWI pic on his list of dream projects, centered on a specific true story, but he quit talking about it and I guess he decided he rather take his clout and shit the bed with a Kong remake and more Hobbit crap.

That gorgeous shot of the tank moving against the horizon and the glowing backdrop of the sun reminds me of seeing a similar shot in Saving Private Ryan and my dad leaning over to me and whispering, "That's bullcrap. They taught us never to walk around like that. They're just praying to get picked off like ducks in a

Yeah, the best moment in that episode, "An Exercise In Fatality," is when Columbo goes to Conrad's home and his intelligent but hot, young assistant answers in a bikini.
There is a bit of fourth wall breaking as Columbo is thrown off by her good looks and Falk clearly didn't have to act much in the scene. It's

Kerrigan knows a thing or two about getting fucked, seeing as how he's a film maker who had an entire film lost because the negatives were irreparably damaged.

Said "collapse" at my screening too.

Well, this is what happens when studios overspend on mega budget films.
Produce fewer mid range flicks, don't look for sleepers, don't compete and give safe latitude.

I assume that in this movie's universe there are still plenty of bullets because the virus from the first film wiped out much of the population.

I really hated the Gus-Malvo thing.
I think one of the things about the Coens is that a character type is a character type, thats what they explore, people who are what they are and the events around them. There is very little arc of change in how they write, you know?
So, I thought it made zero fucking sense for Gus,

It's sad that we live in an age of such precious political correctness that "We can’t just accept this as a casting choice?" is seen as a minor slight on the show.

Not to mention he showed his wiener on Lucky Louie too, no problem baring it all, and not for laughs, I think, for pathos.