
I was thinking this being back when Walter was an employee under Bogdan.

In my head I'm imagining a scene where Saul has just escaped from some shady job in the desert, shaken but filled with adrenaline about the whole thing. He goes to the car wash to wash away all the dirt, talks to Mike or someone about how great he feels, and how he can see his whole future in front of him so clearly

I can honestly say I'm really liking this season. The show is past its heyday, but I genuinely feel that the extra minutes of each episode might sacrifice some comic energy and intensity, but allows for some really great writing and for B-plots to get exactly as much time as they need (as opposed to, say, Arrested

I literally just said to my friend during the scene where Raylan and Tim pull Dewey over that Dewey had to make it out of the show alive simply because he was too dumb to die. Welp.

So I get to be the first person here to point out that Peter Capaldi, the new Doctor, guest starred in this episode? Hello, really shitty immortality!

I liked all those "ugly" episodes somewhat. In particular, I think they nailed Jeff meeting his Dad, even if the B-plot was crappy. I'd agree with odduck in saying watch the season with lowered expectations, I didn't find any of the episodes offensively bad on the whole, they just weren't really on the same scale as

Light drizzle will just annoy you, but thunder…will F YOU UP.

That's a lovely, lovely voice…

SAME! That's insame.

"What are the biggest risks for you having unprotected sex?" "When your partner dies on top of you!"


Kinda makes you wonder if the Kickstarter for Austrian Death Machine was just a front for funding the hitman…

Apologies. I usually do the proper reading first but I had some knowledge on it and there was only one comment, so I think I felt something like when a Youtuber gets to say "FIRST!"

Wasn't this a thing ages ago? Hell, it's what the Dredd soundtrack was inspired by.

"I loved you in A Christmas Story."

Am I the ONLY person who wasn't asked for a damn guest spot?

Counting today, that's 53 days away. Watch an episode a day from now to catch up, people.

Well, this review had me feeling trepidation but so far it's pretty damn good, if I say so myself. Memory may be tricking me here but I think I'm enjoying it more than the season 3 premiere.

Not a single mention of Black Dynamite? I am disappointed.

I've just started watching it and I literally just got to that one. Spooky.