
I dunno, I hear NBC aren't too fond of spin-offs featuring characters who are basically Dwight Schrute.

I dunno, I hear NBC aren't too fond of spin-offs featuring characters who are basically Dwight Schrute.

I see potential for a couple here. So, which one is going to die during one of the climactic moments of an early season?

I see potential for a couple here. So, which one is going to die during one of the climactic moments of an early season?

He sold his rights to the Monkees catalogue for $5000. And you know what it's worth now?

He sold his rights to the Monkees catalogue for $5000. And you know what it's worth now?

"This is not candy."

"This is not candy."

I'm predicting it will somehow end, not with Jesse killing him, but with Jesse being in a position where he CAN save Walt and chooses not to, leaving him as Walt left Jane.

I'm predicting it will somehow end, not with Jesse killing him, but with Jesse being in a position where he CAN save Walt and chooses not to, leaving him as Walt left Jane.

I really, really hope Community stays good during the next season. However, it wrapped up well enough last season that I wouldn't mind if that was the end of the "good run".

I really, really hope Community stays good during the next season. However, it wrapped up well enough last season that I wouldn't mind if that was the end of the "good run".

Well, I imagine all the comments will be totally level-headed and rational here.

Well, I imagine all the comments will be totally level-headed and rational here.

100,000, here we come! There'll be history books with us in them, guys.

100,000, here we come! There'll be history books with us in them, guys.

The only slight problem I had with this book is that because I'm so familiar with John's face and voice thanks to vlogbrothers, I could sometimes only hear his voice when Hazel's talking about being stared at by really hot guys. Otherwise, just brilliant, only this book and Looking for Alaska have made me properly