Mose Harper

I'm definitely with South here. Hopefully this will be a chance for some great movies that would have otherwise been ignored to get nominated. In addition the 5 movies we had nominated last year - all of which, besides Milk and Slumdog, were snore-inducing - we could have had some combination of Dark Knight, Wall-E,

but the Hangover was pretty much perfect. and this…I wouldn't even go see this for free, which it would be, since I work at a movie theater.

Francis, thanks for that answer, although I wish hem had been right.

Is it bad that I don't know who Adam Shankman is?

Ridley Scott has the formula: Russell Crowe + Russell Crow = Best Robin Hood movie since the Disney version.

Hooray, Bk! Aren't we both so smart.

Coldplay's first couple of albums are perfectly acceptable U2/Radiohead pastiches. They're way overexposed now, and their last two albums have sucked, but there's no reason to hate on mediocrity when there's so much excrement in the world. Now, hating on Martin, Gwyneth, and dear Apple, yeah, go right ahead.

Hey Tom Waits, 50% of our lists are the same! I would have no objection to putting Funeral on there, or Turn on the Bright Lights (is there still Interpol backlash, or can we love their first album again?).

Too easy. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, I am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass, Boxer, and In Rainbows.

ElDan, if you were a Gamecock who didn't care about football, that must have been a long four years. unless there's another east coast usc.

I tried to do so directly above, by bashing several of the albums beloved by afore mentioned insufferable fans. wish me luck!

PSL's are Permanent Seat Licenses. They are the right to buy season tickets, essentially.

worth it?
I like radiohead, and I'm hoping to get at least one, if not all three, of the first of these reissues for my birthday, but does anyone really want more Hail to Thief, Kid A, or Amnesiac? Didn't I get enough brilliance drowned in a sea of pretentious mediocrity the first time I paid for those albums.

M. Ward: totally awesome
She and Him: also pretty awesome.

there aren't any good parts. apparently Palin released a statement saying that she wouldn't appear on Letterman's show, in part because they should keep Letterman away from Willow.

I second.

I have learned something from this thread: certain people really, really, love BSG. If you belittle BSG - a show you enjoyed but was disappointing towards the end of its run - by trying to amusingly point out how the title of it's new movie ironically highlights the show's biggest flaw, those people will hate you

Thanks, Place! I didn't realize my post would be controversial…I thought that's how everyone felt!

the plan
haha, "the Plan." shouldn't they have titled it "we have no idea where this is going, don't worry, you'll waste hours on it anyway, then there will be angels and an av club writer will say that tv shows are supposed to be wastes of time."

Pilgrim, why does being a great auteur require success over a long period of time? Preston Sturges was a brilliant auteur, but he flamed out almost immediately - practically as quickly as Coppola. But I don't hear anyone saying "That Sturges fellow, he might have been something great if only he hadn't made "The