Mose Harper

I actually haven't seen Age of Innocence, but I look forward to it - it's a masterful novel and I'd like to see what Scorsese does with it. At worst, I'm sure I will find the ways it doesn't work interesting. The stuff that Eastwood does that doesn't work…well, to quote Zanzibar "Pukes…"

I can't imagine anyone dissing Coppola. I know he's been in a wasteland for 30 years, and his recent attempts to recapture the old days haven't done much. But I agree with Danus that at least he's being ambitious now, and that counts for a lot - whereas Eastwood has just gotten portentous.

Martian, I'm with you. I think his directing work has actually been overrated. Personally, I don't think he's directed a movie worth a damn since Unforgiven, and the decade prior to Unforgiven wasn't actually full of winners. I personally found Million Dollar Baby maudlin, cliched, and manipulative, and Mystic