Mose Harper

yeah, post-Gladiator, or the post-the Matrix, or post whatever film you want to pick, 80s and 90s action looks pretty bad to me. Older stuff I can just understand is from a different era, but there's so many films that I remembered having awesome action sequences, and when I rewatch them they look like they were shot,

i've always hated this guy. the road warrior is awesome, though. i watched mad max for the first (canceraids, you will blow me, etc) time this morning and found it both unintelligible and really weirdly conventional.

Zodiac Motherfucker couldn't be more right. Who cares what some people say is or isn't art?

Soldier, Ask Not is very good, but it's definitely not short stories. I would second Todd that "None but Man" and "The Hour of the Horde" are both very good. I personally love the short story collection "Survivor" if you're looking for one, but really you could pick up any short story collection by him you could

I never let anyone copy my homework. At the time I thought I was taking a moral stand. But I realize now that although I was fat and unloved, people might have liked me in middle school if I had let them copy my homework.


Yeah, that's definitely who I was asking about. I did not place him at all as the guy who did the hit on the Mayans - you mean the churro salesman?

some guy
can someone tell me who the guy was with Samcro this episode? I'm sure they introduced us to him before, but I didn't recognize him. Jax went on his own, Opie followed him, which left Clay with Tig, Bobby Elvis, lame Mohawk/diaper/ocd/piss-soda guy, maybe someone else, and then some guy I would swear I've

Karatloz, I just checked out the essential John Ford at Fox and you're right, that's some damn sweet stuff. It's all on netflix thought - some of it even watch instantly! I might watch How Green Was My Valley Tonight if I wasn't going to a screening of Marat/Sade.

No Regrets for Our Youth
Does anyone else love this one? I actually love it as much as alot of the later, "greater" ones, it just struck a chord with me. Anyone?

Karatloz, thanks for reminding me I couldn't afford the John Ford set either! I would buy both in a second. Instead I just netflix this shit…although Netflix's selection of more obscure movies seems to be getting worse to me. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

Yeah, I sort of figured that they just thought people might have forgotten about the pilot, and not watched it when it reaired, so they just didn't a second pilot, but a weaker one. But Todd has seen through episode 4 and says it picks up again, so I'm in for at least a few more episodes.

I'd give it a B, maybe a B-. Quite a step down from the pilot. But TV has given me faith that things will improve.

John, that's what phodreaw said. Try reading.

outside of body of lies, which was no masterpiece, but I thought was pretty well done and - to quote one eminent commentator - occasionally "owned."

sorry velvety, I love Crowe, I love Scott, and I like all those movies. which particular ones do you dislike?

slowmo, Gladiator was awesome. anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. I would give you the rest of those movies, except I wouldn't count any of them as "lately."

Outside of A Good Year, what has Ridley Scott done lately that sucked?

Sept 8th! I can't wait that long. Maybe Banmar knows something wikipedia doesn't?

Ah, Gentle Herpes, always happy to be wrong about everything. You're the Bill Kristol of these boards!