
Yeah, when I think of a Marvel score in my head, the only one that comes to mind is the 2009 Star Trek score, which isn't even Marvel. I like the movies, but damn, nothing is memorable about the soundtracks.

Honestly, I feel kinda bad for Rolfe. He got shit on for that whole Ghostbusters thing. He seems like a sweet guy.

How are they still deliberating? That's not good.

Unless you have a thing for Eddie Munster.

Cool, I'll check it out.

Johnson Spillin'-seed

I think the worst that could be said about NC and that channel is that they aren't great at management. There have been a few different creators who have left with a bad taste in their mouths.
But nothing like this shit.

What is it, exactly?

Pete and Pete would never do this shit.

PrivateIronTFU's Comment History

Wait, I have a Simpson's joke for that!

Oh okay. I only know of MBMBAM.

That hairstyle hasn't been cool since…ever.

Are they on YouTube, though?

Surely there has to be a YouTube star that isn't awful…
*footage not found*

Well this is awful.
My one small takeaway is that I'm just glad his name isn't Jared. I just can't take another disgusting human being with my first name.

That's a weird alibi.

Last name Bila.
First name still Jedediah, though, so…

Which is a first for Bila.

Oh, I don't knoooow…
—Joel Robinson, 501-Warrior of the Lost World