I just saw Alone in the Dark…there's no way in fuck I'm taking this shit seriously
I just saw Alone in the Dark…there's no way in fuck I'm taking this shit seriously
What did
Arcade Fire perform?
Yeah, the directors cut was a nice example of the studio being right (I didn't like it being dumbed down either)
But when I saw it, the fact that they took The Killing Moon as the opening scene pissed me off to no end
Southland Tales and Donnie Darko
Both had killer original and non…orginal soundtracks…
Walk Hard
I'm listening to it right now and I must say…it's pretty amazin'
@Keith Phipps - SUPERFLY, dir. Gordon Parks, Jr., is definitely worth your time - definitely.
Dumbass, everybodies got AIDS
That comment took an angels wing away…just one wing to, so it's a cripple angel…
I gotta say it…
Hearing 69 love songs changed how I saw music forever and ever amen
I'm just wearing a green vest with his…thingy on it, and writing a big ass H on my face…prayin' people will get it
I'm goin' as Sgt Hatred
This is perhaps…the most insightful message string
Signing tour?
…pretty please?
Please…please let the fact that you aren't saying Seth Rogen be a joke…please…
Taking my god damn chance when I can:
And you think Rockford Files is cool
But there are some things
that you would change
if it were up to you
So think about your masterpiece
Watch the Rockford Files
And call to see if Paul can score some weed.
Will you never rest
Fighting the battle of who could care less
Goin' with the Lebowski quoter above me…dick…
The first screening
Can it be held in a giant mansion? But everyone has to wear masks…
Yeah…this is me thirding…
Homer and buying things:
"There, I bought every thing I was supposed to"
"Dad…dougheys if awful…" "But I get two. Twoooooo"