
Regarding the picture:
All I have to say:
(Faild firstie?)

I remeber when Jim Carrey was doing (annoying) David Caruso imitations and finaly he just said "I wonder what *this* would be like" in a snotty tone of voice. It stalled Carrey in his tracks. Made my day

I was saying BoooooooooUrns!


Continuing the What What comment section for our AV Club friend, Nathan. Really, this is a truly awesomley awsometastic undertaking, we're all thankful for.

I don't know. I had thought that to, before I decided to undertake what Nabins doing (rewatching all the episodes). I had forgotten that the episodes was actually quite funny, oposed to my hazy memory of there being no laughs

Try watching "Spirit of the Beehive" to then…

What this Roth supporting asshole has to say:
I know exactly what you mean when you say of "the Hostel and Saw" variety. But…it still makes me really sad when they two are compared. I'm not saying you shouldn't say it, but…it just seems…not right for the two to be clumped like that…

Party Down
Wasn't Breken Meyer supposed to be Poe?

Live action spin off
Wasn't there also a Troy Mclure one in the works?

Future MYOF or NCC
Man…this was made to tank and/or be discovered by random cult fiends…

Another F?
Is the fourth or fifth of the summer?

Sugar Sublot is indeed the home of one of my favorite lines:
"Too the Beemobile!"
"…you mean the Chevvy?"

And you give the rest of the world a cold wasteland of commies to make fun of that isn't Russia

Best B story of all time:
Sorry, there's just no aruging this one:
It's the Mr. Sparkle one from "In Marge We Trust" (Fuck it…that whole episode is genius)
…man I even named my cat Mr. Sparkle!

Oh god, how could I forget about Peep Show…
Best use of interatial porn, running over dogs, children sucking off crack addicts and of course, Melons

Just read closer and saw Tasha agree's with me…
Massive props Tasha!

Gervais, that cruel motherfucker…
Instead of picking…any Office moment, I'll pick one from the unloved (except by me) Extras.
There's one where Maggie tells Andy's co-writer (who could make or break him) that Andy finds him *too* gay. I had to pause it (it was DVD) and just close my eyes in pain

Who else…
Is reminded of the Donny Darko soundtrack?

Lana. Lana. Lana! LANA!
…danger zone!