
Lets hear a "What What" from people who think Gremlins is the best christmas movie ever made!

Pulp NPR
He's going to get one segment and then we'll never hear from him again
And as we listen to NPR more and more we think, gosh I liked Christopher Walken, but then he only ever had the one segment. We come to realize he was in fact the best part of NPR.

Man…lot a killin' and rapin' on that path of life, my friend

@"Far Superior"…no difference…at all (well..some, but come on!)
I also speak for the minority when I say I slightly prefer the re-do (Boo, Hiss!)

Funny Games
Don't have vacation homes where creepy blonde sadists are afoot

P.T Anderson
Anyone who apears in a Paul Thomas Anderson movie gets a free pass for whatever peice of shit movie(s) they make
Adam Sandler
Burt Reynolds
Marky Mark
Tom Cruise
The list goes on…

GJL is Joeseph Gordon-Levvet
…lost in the dark on the count of GLI

Obligatory Dingo Reference:
Dottie: Oh, grow up. Do you know how many American politicians are funded by the Neo-Nazis?
Killface: Wh…shut up.
Dottie: My God, there's Congressman [bleep], and Senator [bleep], not to mention Vice-[bleep] [bleep].
[Cut to talking head]
Killface: Going to bleep those, I hope.

Hey wait…
Speaking of Bale
Speaking of The Prestige
Speaking of Nolan

Let me say
I can't tell you how exicted I am to see one of my favorite movies at one of my favorite theaters presented by one of my favorite film reviewers.
See you there Scott!

Didn't you see the directors cut Duck of Death?

Dumb question:
Will there be signings?

I thought David Cross was fine…

And the spawning begins
Here come the Duplass wannabes!
…still looks kinda fun, though.

I agree with a wide array of the above commenters. You don't want to leave your wife alone for a while with the children for a movie (unless she be being all intos that). So I would agree a night out and a sitter would work best.

I haven't see it yet…
But it looks too god damn good to say anything else. When I see it I'll say the same thing, even if I did like it…it looks way too good…

I will not read one of these FUCKING comments…unless you blow me first..

Can't tell if this is good…
I laughed pretty damn hard at *every* mention of Joshs Dream Movie…I mean…it stops being funny after a while right? I just kept laughing…

I nominate "KABLOOWEY! The show where people get hurt a lot!"