
That was weirdly harsh for an A- review

Heheh, in reality I left, because I had a bad seat and was tired, and was close to the end anywho.

I just gave up on the episode, because they broke the paradox set in Fathers Day that you can't touch a past version of your self…

I was hoping for another David Lynch wannbe show…(I'm looking at you "The Prisoner")

As for the failed firstie
He can go cry in his cold bed of wrongness!

Mr. VanDerWerff
Do I have permission to quote that last paragraph as a status, without being considered creepy?
It's one of the most perfect description I've read of melancholy.

Annie's line about the nights being long etc, caused me to be the most choked up at a TV show, since the Dr. Who season 3 finale

"oft-transcendent second season"
Nabin, can you please stop talking about how it's going to get better?

I was recently describing the plot to my brother, and discovered it to be the most entertaining past time ever

Okay. I love Richard Kelly. But Southland Tales is my favorite.
It's also one of my favorite movies of the past 10 years. Everything I've ever wanted in a movie, or ever hated about movies, or ever thought about in my Killers obbsesed dreams was in that beuatiful train wreck.

Southland Tales…
…Was a failed franchise. And failed franchises. Don't. Commit. Suicide. *Blur starts playing*

The best actual flashback of the series (albeit it not an entire episode) is without a doubt the wedding reception in "A Milhouse Divided"

Ah yes! The episode of the totally dated No Country For Old Men reference…
Yeah, that episode fucking *sucked*

Agreed, that one still makes me tear up

Hardcore giving of thanks episode
I'm actually apreciative that they haven't done one…I think it's more of a stance against becoming what people are accusing it of being. I find that Thanksgiving episodes are the sappiest and most love centric episodes of comedies (You could make the case for Christmas ones…but I love

I just watched it (by force) a few weeks ago…it felt better that I can say to return to the orignal foul mouthed wonderland of Heathers back and my own home…

Tim Meadows having money
You know…it's weird he has all that money…'cus he always paid for the drugs

Clash of the Titans ruined him for me…
After I saw that I can no longer place any value at all on his roles.


Didn't you guy's review a game that sounds exactly like this? Where it's a speciallll care that kills zombies? It was like…Zombie Driver or something, it also got and F and also looked like a Sawbuck game.