Ernest Borg 9

Straight out of Surrey!

Straight out of Surrey!

They're using Ultimate or Uncanny time or something, so no.

They're using Ultimate or Uncanny time or something, so no.

What is this, disprove the existence of God week?

What is this, disprove the existence of God week?

Don't do what Daniel McDon't does.

Don't do what Daniel McDon't does.

They're just quotes, Dr. Zarnak. In answer to your apology, they're written
down for me. They're a crutch, a lazy way to provoke an emotional response… Shall we continue?

Me too. I haven't heard her music but her insane commitment to the whole candyland theme is fascinating.

Me too. I haven't heard her music but her insane commitment to the whole candyland theme is fascinating.

My milkshake brings Daniel Plainview to the yard.

My milkshake brings Daniel Plainview to the yard.

It was just a test to determine if you were a lesbian.

It was just a test to determine if you were a lesbian.

As I recall, someone was spreading the sacrilegous idea that lasers are only brightly colored dowels, and that caused some umbrage on my part.

As I recall, someone was spreading the sacrilegous idea that lasers are only brightly colored dowels, and that caused some umbrage on my part.

Ha ha, the Alamo was about freedom!*