Ernest Borg 9

Q: What do you call a cybernetic organism who's scrapped for spare parts?

Q: What do you call a cybernetic organism who's scrapped for spare parts?

Eh, I have enough of that going on in my personal life that I don't need to see it on TV.

Eh, I have enough of that going on in my personal life that I don't need to see it on TV.

Tom's Rhinoplasty may have more screen time devoted to vomiting than even Team America does. Stan vomits, Mr. Garris-on pukes after much prompting by the surgeon, then there's a whole montage of Stan puking on stuff. May have been shocking in season 1, but having seen all the SP characters literally shitting out of

Tom's Rhinoplasty may have more screen time devoted to vomiting than even Team America does. Stan vomits, Mr. Garris-on pukes after much prompting by the surgeon, then there's a whole montage of Stan puking on stuff. May have been shocking in season 1, but having seen all the SP characters literally shitting out of

Oh! I got one!

Oh! I got one!

Seinfeld couldn't do a turkey call if… uh.. hold on… uh… gimme a moment…

Seinfeld couldn't do a turkey call if… uh.. hold on… uh… gimme a moment…

I think the guy who sang the theme song to "Shaft" was on once.

I think the guy who sang the theme song to "Shaft" was on once.

If there were any doubt concerning George Clooney's superiority over that Seinfeld guy, Clooney's willingness to make animal noises for a crude cartoon show utterly destroys it.

If there were any doubt concerning George Clooney's superiority over that Seinfeld guy, Clooney's willingness to make animal noises for a crude cartoon show utterly destroys it.

When I went to see IRON GIANT it was playing in the same
projection room as  DICK      

When I went to see IRON GIANT it was playing in the same
projection room as  DICK      

