
I got the impression, in the hospital scenes, that the marriage was in really deep trouble that's my fan want anyway

Ok. I was wondering, with the golden lighting, rather than the colder colours, if it was supposed to be Italy or somewhere

Where was the dinner with Bedelia set?

Unlike Fuller who now only eats fish

A number of people thought that. In an interview, Fuller was surprised by this. Me too. How would she even do that and then cook it, all fancy like that. Not that hard core realism and logic are paramount on this show. That's one disbelief that I certainly can't suspend. I assumed the boys were back in town

I assumed that it was a professional journal or a more populist one on the lines of Psychology Today. Either it was Chiltons article or Hannibals refutation of it.

I hope to see an out take reel, like they did with Raul Esparza tap dancing in his house in a pool of blood when Hannibal set up Chilton last time.

Since they used the exact same death with a faux Freddie, they probably didn't want to use her twice. That's my guess anyway

Don't her eyes remind you or the Maenad season?

I watch it live on Thursdays

Today I watched Afterbuzz on You Tube and the guest was Spencer Liff. He has finished with SYTYCD for the season, as he's going to be choreographing for Neil Patrick Harris . Anyway, he really let out the opinions now that he's done. He said he has never yelled at a dancer until this year with Asaf. The crappy

I'd pay to see that, as Jason Derullo would say

Broken her heart for sure.

I miss Wade. i miss Mary. I even miss Mia.

2 words. Redemption Arc. Two other words. Bull Shit

Remember when it was The Learning Channel and there was serious programming? I know. It's been a really long time.

I thought Brian's comment about Alexia being too competition was spot on. It also showed in the group numbers. Of course, she's one of the very young ones isn't she?

I was just thinking that it's excellent luck for Will to find a reliable pet sitter…

I blame the change of day. It's a work night for me so I don't stay up to watch it. I have to catch it later.

I am this show's bitch so I will watch to the bitter end. I wasn't as horrified as I expected to be with Pauler. She wasn't exactly a fountain of dance critique, but , compared to Jason Derullo, she has a bit of cred and she was actually able to string coherent sentences together.
I really missed Mary and ballroom