
"shotgun" - It was a bit lame but I loved it.

I made my parents watch Monty Python on tv. They hated it…really didn't get it at all. Too bad for them. I still love it. I am evil and thoughtless I guess.

I'm a bit tired of Travis couples numbers, although they seem to really help the dancetestants. His group work this year was terrific though, especially that one small group number where everyone was in blue . Sonja did the broken small group number which I loved that week as well.

Ok - I read on Previously TV that it was an homage to some movie and the costume reflected that.

Part way through the dance, something white was hanging down from her crotch area. I don't know if it was the snap tab from a leotard that unsnapped and hung down or a panty liner but it was quite distracting and very noticeable. Probably somewhat irritating as well

I will be interested to see if Brooklyn pays for her wardrobe malfunction or if it's one of the ballerinas. or someone else. It's too bad that they've changed the format to send tow home without the first episode cushion.

I really loved this show. I have a bootleg and did a power watch last summer. It holds up. Barney Miller is another one from that vintage that was enjoyable and still is.

I think I need to watch it again…maybe the whole season or both seasons together.

I think I was more entranced by this episode than any previous one. Normally I'm not yelling "Whoa" at the tv. or actually gasping. A defenestration, Bedelia, Abigail - especially the duplication of her injury by Hannibal - surrogate father. Gripping. I did wonder if Bedelia was actually there since the seat

not available in my geographical location - crap

As long as it's not the dogs. I feel Alana is a bit expendable to me.

It was just such a casual aside…I loved it

I think sometimes they throw unnecessary things in just because they think of it and go "That would look cool".
I don't really have a problem with it as long as it doesn't wreck the flow of the narrative.

The red scrubs was directly from Dead Ringers wasn't it? I said it out loud and the dog looked at me as if I were crazy. Of course, he never saw it.

This show is always must-see tv for me. It can be a bit difficult though because my cat loves it so much he stands right at the screen, partially blocking my view. It's the only show he watches. Weird…

A bit off topic, but how do I change my avatar to something like you guys have?

It makes me consider being one. Something about watching raw meat cook…mind you, I was like that before a bit.

homemade chicken soup, nothing exciting

I think it depends on how long after his "surgery" this takes place. My husband had a kidney and adrenal gland removed and he walked with a cane for about a month. By 2 months, he was more or less back to normal, except for the huge ropey scar that practically bisected him. He certainly wasn't weak.