Carpe DMX

Yeah, one of the first places I visited when I moved here was the cemetery and Evans City.

I will agree with you regarding Land, which was atrocious and a horrid bungling of studio time and money (which could have something to do with why investors are not exactly lining up to throw fistfuls of money at him), but I thought Diary was decent. Not a landmark of the genre by any means, but decent.

Were you at the Moonlite on that Friday or Saturday night?


I suppose that you could say that since the terminal cancer patient lived longer than a bunch of otherwise healthy bikers, maybe there's an argument in there somewhere that 1% MCs are an even more malignant infection, but honestly, I think that any attempt to read subtext into SOA is giving Kurt Sutter too much credit.

Something something fans of Jimmy Fallon.

Books are elitist.

I missed your comment when I said roughly the same thing in too many words. I blame my advisors, my campaign manager, and NASA (for changing the zodiac).

You do know that Stephen Colbert didn't write this article, right? And that Colbert is likely not going to read your comment on this site?

Another season of AHS begins and here we go again.

With regard to your first question, yes, I believe Fathom events are broadcast live.

Ghostbusters: Blood Coming Out Of Their Wherever

I feel like there's some username/comment synergy going on here.

That too


Something something cloning facilities…

Schrödinger's government: exists in a quantum superposition, being both hyper-competent, such as to perpetrate all-encompasing conspiracies, whilst simultaneously being so utterly incompetent that it can't manage to accomplish anything at all.

Misread this as "Carnal Park".

Fair enough!

Smash Mouth?