Carpe DMX

Playing free-association here, but 21st Amendment's "Blah Blah Blah IPA" is pretty tasty.

I relocated from Florida to northern Pennsylvania a little over a decade ago, and I'm pretty sure I see almost as many examples of the ol' stars & bars here as I did there, if not more, some days.

Don't you mean grounded for life?

Bill Cosby?

I think the debt is/was unrelated to the assassins.

I tend to share this assessment.

According to IMDB, though, Chrysta Bell is only credited with one episode.

Yeah, that I can't answer, except to say that Lynch's stuff often seems to follow "dream logic" (or nightmare logic, I suppose).

I kind of got the impression that Dougie Jones was somehow created by BOB Cooper as a decoy vessel for the real Dale to occupy upon his release, instead of his own real body, thus enabling BOB to avoid being pulled in.

My girlfriend wondered if maybe the flickering thing that murdered Tracy & the dude was the "mother" that was referred to by Ronette Pulaski, to Coop, in that other place, and was banging on the door.

I hope you're wrong, but considering the number of times Maher's had Ann Coulter on Real Time, you could very well be right.

Yeah, you could be right, there.

See, I'd almost be willing to bet that the CPAC thing was already in the pipeline, due to Milo's Breitbart News position and the relative closeness to Steve Bannon,

You don't think these more recent developments are more a result of his initial CPAC booking?

Anyone got the over/under on how Bill Maher is gonna try to somehow spin the more recent Milo shit as being a result of his glad-handed Real Time appearance?

If you're referring to me, I'm not attempting to express animosity, really.

1st off, that was perhaps the laziest attempt at paraphrasing Godwin's Law that I think I've ever read.

You almost had the titular line.


"… So I killed the ghoul using the onion I kept tied to my belt, which was the style at the time."