Carpe DMX

You sure about that?

That "lousy non-Monkees version" was performed by Neil Diamond.

Is it just me or did Selina pray that cancer right into Jonah's ballsack?

Are you a bot, Donna215255845?

Burger King Trump sez:

I would add, though, that, as opposed to Jon, she did view Rickon as essentially dead even before the battle, which is pretty coldly pragmatic on its own.

What you're saying makes sense.

Yes, precisely.

I've seen a few people questioning why it is that Sansa didn't tell Jon about her call to Baelish, and assuming that she was stupid or whatever for not doing so.

I kind of slept on Unsilent Death when it came out, but Abandon All Life straight up knocked my dick in the dirt and has become one of my go-to rage albums.

"Led Zeppelin" - that's the band that covered Spirit's "Taurus", right?

He needs to take the cuke and quit gherkin us around.

♫ One of these things is not like the other ♫

And it was their only song, too!

"A song should be crunchy, savory, and overpriced, just like the delectable avo toast I purchased at the local cafe this morning!"

That they borrowed from Jack White?

"Yoga Depp douches Kevin Smith's Hosers up in the Johnny it trailer."

Even showing Bernthal's Frank Castle on a rooftop somewhere, surveiling shit up, would work wonders for cementing the relationship between TV & movies, for me anyway.

OK, fair enough. It's admittedly been a minute since I watched that episode, but I distinctly remembered the Thenn and apparently forgot Ygritte and Tormund (but I do remember them now, thanks).

FWIW, recall that it was specifically the Thenns who killed Olly's family and even other wildlings didn't like those guys. Also, all the Thenns are ostensibly dead as of Hardhome.