Carpe DMX

So many great albums between those 4 bands, but yeah, my personal equation would go as follows:

Is metalcore, per se, even a thing at Hot Topic anymore?

I'm really happy to see Coalesce getting some attention here. Functioning On Impatience is probably my personal favorite, simply due the time and place in which I first heard it, but Ox and OXEP are certainly two of the best comeback albums I've listened to.

No love for Moving Mountains?

Shouldn't that be "I'm the GODDAMN Batman"?

Ha, I just said the same damn thing (before having read this far).

Off topic, but I'm upvoting you almost exclusively for the fact that your username comes from the single best NY Post headline I've ever read.

On an early build, I got the whole thing together, pressed power and… nothing. I was crestfallen. Tore it down, rebuilt it, and… nothing. Started considering DOA components, tore it all the way down, cleaned & reseated the CPU, rebuilt, still nothing.

There are external PCIe 3.0 solutions that shouldn't introduce any lag. I discovered them by accident not too long ago, when halfheartedly researching methods to potentially boost lagging laptops.

Not just a new age, a golden age.

I tend to agree with you here. As Texass pointed out, for instance, High On Fire's most recent album was seriously good, yet also featured Matt Pike's crazy-ass 'aliens & Illuminati' lyrics, which he appears to genuinely believe in (in at least one quote I read somewhere, anyway).

Stop listening to dumb shit, then.

Regarding S.O.D., from Wiki: "Bassist Dan Lilker stated: "The lyrics were never intended to be serious, just to piss people off.""

See, I would have said "down the hallway and straight out that window".

Did you pick up your 'Pittsburghese-to-English' dictionary, yet?

Ecco the Dolphin & the Chamber of Secrets

Upvoted for Once Upon a Time in the West, correct or not.

Well, in fairness, it was Checkov's UFO (pronounced ooo-FOH).

And this, folks, is how you "let the mystery be."

Last night, I thought that this episode was an OK, if somewhat anti-climactic season (series?) finale.