Carpe DMX

"NOOO! Negan just killed, uh, *heh!*, uh, shit; what was his name again?"

Perfectly Serviceable Television?

And yet, TWD's writers have somehow managed to wring 6+ seasons out of that single phrase, in some cases actually having characters utter some basic rephrasing of it (because text always beats subtext, right?)

I know you got the upvotes & all at the time, but I believe that even Hank said he should have checked on Peggy, during last night's episode.

For as long as a single man is forced to cower under the iron fist of oppression, as long as a child cries out in the night, or an actor a racist pumpkin can be elected president, we must continue the struggle.

"Fair-may ton bush, son. I am sound in mind and body."

To be honest, I kind of wanted to ding the ep to an A-, because of the thing with Hank not checking on Peggy's status when he came to, but 149 people said it was a straight-up A and I didn't have it in me to be the 150th and a lone dissenter.

Fuckin' A

Hey, no problem, we're cool (I hope). I may have come across as more prickly than I intended to - I am genuinely glad that your experience was better.

It's a flower power glower shower!

I'm aware of the anecdotal nature of my story.

Ha. It is fun to ponder how movie enthusiasts would react to the sorts of shenanigans that gamers routinely shrug off, isn't it?

How about if the theater experience ends up being even better because of having waited?

Ooh don't get me started regarding Skyrim on PS3.

I Azathoth you did well. Yig gotta way with words!

You're welcome, and thank you.

"Top 10 clickbaitiest listicles on the internet - you won't believe our no. 1!"

FOP and the various police unions are tone deaf as a motherfucker.


So, wow, this got a D and The Bastard Executioner got a big ol' F.