Carpe DMX

Truth. I think I've watched a combined total of about 20 minutes of the show, and maybe read one previous review, but I saw that F and thought "Damn! I've got to get in on this!"

The Magnificent Seven (Retweets)

Riff Sweetlicks!

"No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of."

You know, I just watched the episode again with my girlfriend (who missed it last night), and in the final overhead shot, there isn't even a fence behind the dumpster anymore!

"The Walking Dead: come for the VFX, stay for the unremittingly dour cynicism!"

Yeah, I don't even know. That or they'd have ended up on the ground with walkers under them, munching on Glenn's butt, and getting dogpiled from the top too.

No problem!

When was that shown? The fence behind them, sure, but the fence beside them?

Don't even get me started on how I don't feel like Nick's body would have toppled forward, into Glenn, given that he shot himself in the head and inertial movement from whatever direction his head snapped should have followed through.

Yeah. I called fake-out as I was watching it, shitty camera angle forced-perspective and all, while simultaneously noting what a cheap stunt it is.

Seriously. The fence was, like, a couple feet away, and from the top of the dumpster, very scalable.

^ What you said. Yes.

Personally, I think the Joker works best when only he is laughing at his jokes.

I actually tend to think that the writing staff on TWD is just stupid enough to try and pull off a cheap, blatantly manipulative stunt like that.

Buff Brisket!

This group is pretty much as bad as the walkers themselves.

Glad to see Modell call out Kim Dickens' character's reaction to the smell, as lack of reaction to the overwhelming stench of mass decomposition has bothered me since the early days of TWD.

On both TWD and now FTWD, they've made it a point to make almost all traditional authority figures mustache twirling villains (except Rick, with the caveat of the occasional "or is he now?!" plot elements).

Something something IT.